How to make a game
Member, PRO Posts: 1
I am new to game salad and i want to make an app and make money
can you suggest or teach me how to do that please
There are lots of tutorials available on how to make games using Gamesalad. I would concentrate on learning Gamesalad and how to make games before you worry about how to make money with them. Is there any particular game type you are interested in making? ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Hi as Jamie told you there are several tutorials that you can easily find on youtube where you can learn the basics.
Start to understand if you like working with gamesalad, to make money you need to have a very original idea or just make a good game, to make a good game you need to learn to program first
if you’re new to programming logic, game salad i rate as a great introductory tool, where you can learn logic and concepts, without coding.
best way is to learn is by practice.
jamie has a good tutorial series, as does gshelper on you tube.
figure out a basic game to make, break down what your game needs to do, then look up how to do the various bits and put them in your game (eg. a mario type game needs a player, player controls, enemies, collisions with enemies to damage the player or damage an enemy if the player jumps on it, collects less, collectable count, logic so the player can jump through platforms, end level marker, etc). there should be enough tutorials still that can teach you all those things to put it all together, and learn to apply to other projects.
Best of luck on your creative journey, and have fun bringing your game ideas to life!
For the desktop apps:
For the online app ( ), try out:
Also checkout @jamie_c 's page as he also makes great tutorials.