Thinking ahead...
Member Posts: 5,692
Were thinking about Bumps 2 but due to all the problems with our 1st one not loading, freezing etc on some devices I'm wondering if we make the art to enable retina support (Bumps 1 doesn't have retina support) we would run into loads more problems with users not being able to play.
Has anyone used the retina support and run into problems with GS?
I think GS might be a bad choice for Bumps 2 and we might move away but what do you think?
Has anyone used the retina support and run into problems with GS?
I think GS might be a bad choice for Bumps 2 and we might move away but what do you think?
Other reasons are as follows:
By the time you guys release bumps 2 (don't know how quick of a turn around you are going to have) more and more people will have upgraded their devices and will have no issues with your game(I have an iPhone 4 and have no issues whatsoever.
The other thing is that there seems to be a lot of updates headed our way that will fix performance issues so hopefully that will help our future games.
I say stick with what you know and good luck.
As for the retina display, we are toting around with that now so we will let you know what we come up with.
Also, I haven't seen your raw files, but I'm thinking you might have missed some optimization tricks.
Bumps is 14.6 MB right now, if you quadruple the size of the images, you might well run over the ATT 20 MB download limit.
The iPad is much smoother, and less problematic than programming the same game for the iphone, so you should hopefully have less hiccups if you were to port it over to the iPad, plus, the chance of it getting featured again would be high since it was such a success.
Games that stick in the top 50 are either spending tons of money in advertising a day, have a separate marketing department that works on just keeping it up there, or are just extremely lucky or have been well known since the iphone first came out and created a name/brand for themselves: ie: Moron test and others like it
I think working on an iPad version would be the best thing, and start working on a sequel, and I think it would very likely be featured, then you can cross market your first game as well
Those old devices are a pain to develop for, especially with their limited RAM.
Also, Apple won't disclose how much RAM is allocated to each App. It's all guesswork, and it varies tremendously.
You can have your iPhone crammed with music, emails, text messages, apps, etc. Plus now things can run in the background and eat up more RAM. Jailbroken devices can have even more stuff running.
And these devices keep coming out every few months with different specs.
It is refreshing and nice that you care about the end consumers of your game. I also think it is extremely important. But I hate that a some negative reviews are bringing you down so much.
There's only so much you can do as you don't have control over people's devices and what they do with them. People are always going to have problems. Read through the reviews of any of the most popular games and you will see people having the same issues.
I know you tested the game very heavily and didn't notice any of these crashing problems. I guarantee that is much closer to the majority of your user's experiences. Bumps plays nice and smooth on all of my devices.
As time goes on, these devices will keep getting faster and more robust and these issues will hopefully become a thing of the past.
GameSalad also keeps getting better and better with each new release.
If you are still having trouble with your games, I would be more than happy to take a look and see if there are any easy optimizations you could do.
Personally, I hope you make Bumps 2 because I want to play it! I'm sure that goes for your thousands of customers as well.
People want things to show off their iP4s, and soon enough, retina will be the standard as the amount of iP4s increase.. Without it you will look "old"..
I know you don't have an iP4 yet Darren but when you do, trust me, you will never look back..
// red.
And yeah cant w8 to get my iPhone 4