Accelerometer vie bluetooth?
Hi guys,
If I purchased a bluetooth-based accelerometer chip, such as this one for instance:¤cy=AUD&createTmp=1&utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=cpc_bgcs&utm_content=frank&utm_campaign=frank-ssc-aug-all-1129-v2&ad_id=400492522952&gclid=Cj0KCQjwirz3BRD_ARIsAImf7LN6_Ga0q31HRkVdTRk6NL_mcKF-Tk4Gr1VKwu3153KBtm-FJ5_e1pgaAv9-EALw_wcB&cur_warehouse=CN
...And connected it to my Mac via bluetooth, does that mean I could get a locally hosted .app GS game (on my mac) to register the axis of this external device? If not, is there perhaps some kind of creative work-around I could do to connect wirelessly to an external sensor of some kind?
You might be able to do it with html5 output + Cordova + Cordova bluetooth plugin.
Here are some links to start with:
Good luck!
hmm that's interesting thanks Muusi! I've never had much luck with Cordova before and perhaps that's just because I don't understand it properly. I'll have to look into it further I suppose.