Voice generator within Game Salad
Hi All!
I'm revising my funny calculator app that I released a few years ago (link below).
I'm wondering if there's a way within Game Salad to do text-to-speech. One of the functions of my calculator is that when the user presses equal, the calculator displays the answer to their calculation and insults them with pre-written text on screen. I want to upgrade it so that it reads the text aloud, which would include reading the answer to the calculation. Is this possible with in GS?
Link to game:
To my knowledge Gamesalad does not have an audio reading function of the text (but we await confirmation)
On the other hand, if the answers are a list of sentences inserted in a table, you can find something that reads them online (or even record them with your voice or that of some friend) and record an audio clip, so you can use it among the sounds at the time of your sentence.
Nope, though you could parse the text into phenomena and use tables to “script” playing them (it’s gonna be a bit robotic)
Thank you! @adent42 How would that work?
So run your text through something like this:
Then store each phenome in a table cell.
Next set up a bunch of rules to play all the phonemes.
Something like this: https://www.internationalphoneticalphabet.org/ipa-sounds/ipa-chart-with-sounds/
Finally, for each word, use loops to play the sound for each phoneme.
There are probably parsers that can parse to a much smaller phoneme set to make it more manageable, but my google-fu on mobile is not as good.
Here are the sounds from the old Speak & Spell toy you might be able to use: http://www.maximporges.com/2011/10/08/speak-and-spell-samples/
NM about the Speak & Spell samples. Looks like they literally recorded every word for that device.
You should be able to do this with an HTML export and then using that for a cordova app.
Depending on the amount of text, it might also just work to get sound files for it all.
And if you like that classic 80's computer voice:
Wow, I remember that on my Commodore 64. What a blast from the past! :)
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