App Binary 1.25.20210218 promoted to general release!

adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,121
edited March 2021 in Release Notes

After much too long the RC is being promoted to general release!

If you have been following the RC updates, you'll notice that some of the bug fixes have been removed. Those were fixes to previous RCs and not to the last main release, so we removed them to clarify what this build brings.



  • Target API 29
  • Min API 21
  • Upgrade to Google Play Service Base & Basement 17.2.1.
  • Use Google Billing Client 3.0.2 instead of deprecated AIDL billing library.
  • IronSrc and all mediated networks.
  • Admob 19.6.0
  • Chartboost 8.2.0
  • Support configuration that sets the Child Directed & Maximum Content rating settings.
  • Addition of optional location permissions to support some ad networks.

Bug Fixes

  • N/A



  • Publishing with IronSrc disabled will now exclude IronSrc libraries, making the binary smaller.
  • IronSrc Banner Ad Support
  • Chartboost Banner Ad Support
  • Support configuration that sets the Child Directed & Maximum Content rating settings
  • Deployment target of iOS 12.1 with SDK 14.x
  • Update to IronSrc
  • IronSrc now includes all mediated networks except HyprMX
  • Update to Chartboost 8.4.0
  • Update to Admob 7.69.0
  • Enable with the Enable Ad Network Attribution publishing option.
  • Support requestTrackingAuthorizationWithCompletionHandler
  • Support SKAdNetworkItems / SKAdNetworkIdentifier in publishing.
  • Support paymentQueue listener for App Store promotion purchases of IAP (untested).


  • Improve Game Center. Now when Game Reset behavior is called, the Platform Login behavior will actually correctly reset the Platform Connected Attribute
  • Fix landscape loading image issue
  • Updated code to avoid potential crashes from background updates from IAP and GameCenter
  • Accelerometer updates 1/30 of a second rather than 1/60, to hopefully better march old behavior.


  • Updated Freestick to 0.3.2 allowing for more controller support.
  • Removed loading of TIFF, EXR, and RAW images from freeimage
  • Consolidated XML parsing to libxml2 (changing the table loader from expat)

Previous release notes:

Thank you for your patiences as we worked out all the issues from such large updates and for being patient as we kept telling you "did you try Build RC?" Also, be sure to take a look at the RC thread for our next exciting update, support for Android Expansion Files among other things!


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