How do you remove your app from the developer build section?
I used Transport to send over app update and it completed but I didn't submit for review because I realized I needed to make a correction. Now I cannot send over the corrected version because the prior one is still there. I don't see any way to delete or remove it! How can I get rid of it? Or do I have to submit it for review and just follow up with the correct version?
Just send a new one. What do you mean you can't send another one? Open up transport drag the new one over the window. And it should go. This happens to me all the time.
You would think so. Transporter wasn't letting me and it sounded like it was due to the prior upload. I have no idea of actual cause tho. At this point something doesn't work every time I try to do something with this stuff. Now I can't even log into Transporter. Not sure why I was even logged out in the first place. This is the prompt I get now "The server returned an invalid response. This may indicate that a network proxy is interfering with communication, or that Apple servers are having issues. Please try your request again later." If I wasn't so vested in my projects I would just wash my hands of it at this point and learn Unity.
Sorry for your frustration but this problem you are having with the transporter has nothing to do with GameSalad. You still need Transporter or something like it to push your code with Unity (xCode Organizer same headache by a different name or Unity deploy new headache).
have you added the build to a newly created update? - then submitted for review? if that’s the case you can just reject the build, but otherwise, you should be able to just send in a new version in transporter.
I think he might be using an old version of transporter. The new version doesn't care. you can send the same app over and over again.
Try to contact Apple if you can't log in transporter.
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Thanks guys. Yeah looks like Apple was running some maintenance and I think it was creating error after error on the user end. Publishing makes me disgruntled lol.