Tweet Sheet

sinbotsinbot Member Posts: 232

Is "Tweet Sheet" still a relevant feature? Has anyone found it useful for users?


  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,194

    So Tweet Sheet just hasn't been renamed, but it pulls up the native sharing interface for iOS and Android.

    Because of its two text fields, it's also useful for us to use to hack in other feature like privacy permissions prompts on iOS.

  • nir3112nir3112 Member, PRO Posts: 312

    It can also share some files? or it’s something that will be available in the future?

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,194

    You can share images, but not other file types at the moment.

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