Error Unkonownhostexception
in Tech Support
I am new to the use of the program, I did something simple to use the Apk sing but in the end I always get the same error shown in the image, can you help me, please
The site has been down on and off for a while. That site provides a time stamp to sign your apk. A few weekends ago, I created a tool to sign your apps in the meantime, but there are other online.
The discussion and a link to mine can be found here. I plan to put the entire thing up on Github at some point, but i have not had a chance.
Thank you very much Adrian, I will try it 😉
@adriangomez Hello, now I get this error, I think it means that the program only works with 32-bit windows but my pc is 64-bit, can't you do something to modify that please or would I have to do something specific?
Yes. I can fix it. I'll post here once it is fixed. I am glad it is in Spanish (my first language).
Sorry didn't get a chance today, but tomorrow is a new day.
Ok when you can I would appreciate it. Ok cuando puedas te lo agradeceria (mi lengua materna tambien es el español ;))
So I think you can fix the starfield tech error by updating your version of Java. I'll check with our team to see what's the best version. I'm on jdk1.8.0_261
I had already tried updating Java but I kept the same error
Please try this one when you get a chance. Tried it on 2 machines and it works fine.
@adriangomez Sorry, I don't know if I'm doing something that isn't, but I get the same error, did you just pass the file that says .exe, is that nothing else, or is the application file missing? Or it may also be that I am placing the location of the files where it is not, in jarsigner I have to place the location where I have it or do I have to place the file in that location? sorry for the inconvenience
Just that file and the config for the app. Did you change the location of the tools at the top? They are pre-filled with the location on my machine. No worries. It is the weekend.
I have to do something with this file because I get config? ... I try to open it but I get that I don't have the right program
Those two apps the signer and the zipalign should match whatever you use in gamesalad signer.
Ready, thank you very much for the help, that was the mistake.
I am still having the issue with unknown host exception tsa-starfield. I'm using Java JDK 1.8.0_321 and Android SDK 27.0.3. Any help would be appreciated.
I need help with APK signing also. I have tried different Java versions. Have tried to switch DNS settings, open port 80 to make sure. I've managed to push through that I get signed APK, but it's only 1kB and does not work. I have tried different jarsigner.exe and I got APK signed but I don't know what happened then because my APK file was 0kB and basically deleted right away.
I have tried placing Firewall and Antivirus Off for a brief moment. Help me please.