Xiaomi problems
Hi, some users of my applications report that there are problems opening them on Xiaomi smartphone models.
They have given us some 1 star ratings, unfortunately I do not have xiaomi smartphones for testing.
Someone knows something about it?
I would appreciate the help
Do they mention what exactly the problems are?
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A user in one of my apps mentions that when starting an error appears, but does not specify the error, he mentions that it happens in a Xiaomi Redmi note 9 pro.
Another user in another of my apps, mentions that the app is too slow, says that it takes minutes to pass the first scene (since I have it configured to advance in 3 seconds), mentions that his smartphone is a Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro
I would need to get a device to test, but do those devices have a the google play store?
My guess is that's what's broken. I'll need to see about getting a test device.
(Or if they're not the right edition, the store was hacked on to there and something is missing).
K, looks like the 10Ts have Google Play, so might be something with the MiUI. Gonna need to get a phone to see.
I just contacted the user of the Xiaomi redmi note 9 pro and he sent me this image with the error that happens him.
The user also tells me that the application worked fine until a week ago (last weekend we did an update), is it a problem with the rc? I compiled with that one, I also had it test another of my apps and it tells me that it works normally without problems
were these users that updated since gamesalad incorporated support for api 30, or new users?
One of the users updated, the other i think is a new user
I also had it test another of my apps (which updated on July 16) and it tells me that it works fine. The one that throws the error I updated it last weekend (August 11)
i mentioned this in the rc thread. i had an update in july that worked fine. since the api 30 compatibility was added, new downloads of that app worked, but two people (one using a sony, the other on a samsung) got an sql error after the loading screen sat there for a while, without being able to get onto the title splash screen.
it may be the same thing, which adent is aware of.
Any idea what it could be? @adent42
Bugs and errors increased a lot after the last update.
Hi again! I updated my app with the normal build (not rc build) and the user who reported the error tells me that now it works without problems. Also, the bugs and errors started to decrease in the google developer console, so I think the problem lies in the rc build.