Kongregate support?

RandomTurkeysRandomTurkeys Member Posts: 17
edited November -1 in Tech Support
We are wondering if we can upload our web game to external sites, specifically Kongregate.com, is this possible?


  • chosenonestudioschosenonestudios Member Posts: 1,714
    RandomTurkeys said:
    We are wondering if we can upload our web game to external sites, specifically Kongregate.com, is this possible?

    No, only the GS website. Also it will only run on Safari browsers on Macs.
  • RandomTurkeysRandomTurkeys Member Posts: 17
    will any future version of gamesalad allow this, or is there a way to convert it to be able to do so?
  • chosenonestudioschosenonestudios Member Posts: 1,714
    RandomTurkeys said:
    will any future version of gamesalad allow this, or is there a way to convert it to be able to do so?

    I dont think this is high on their priority list. Not that I'm aware of.

    They're mostly just focusing on the app development and the creator side of it. i wouldn't get your hopes up. I'm not sure they'll ever do it at least not for years anyway.
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