Import GS Mac project into GS online

Hi, I have started to transfer a fairly large project in GS for Mac, to the online version.

I have many errors (more than 500) and I have been reviewing what they correspond to, and I realize that many of them could perhaps be solved during the import process, so I am going to leave a list of them here in case it is useful and I encourage others to add that other things have been detected, with the idea that the import can be improved.

Something that would be super useful is that when you click on the error message on the right panel, in the central panel "Logic Stack" advance to the line with that error. If there is a lot of logic in an actor, it is sometimes very difficult to find each error indicated.

At the moment the errors that I have been seeing are of these types:

1- error

X= A*.5

message: Expecting "'", "(", "-", "\"", "false", "true", a digit, a function that returns a number, a function that returns a string, boolean attribute, numeric attribute, or string attribute but "." found


X= A*0.5

2- error


message: Expecting ")" or ".." but "-" found.

solution, add () and rewritr "-" sign


3- error

change image to "none"

I used to "clean" previous image selected in an actor

4- error

((game["Aspect Ratio"]>2)and(game["APP STORE"]==1))

message: Expecting "%", ")", "*", "+", "-", "..", "/", or "^" but ">" found.

> < OR AND == logic operators do not work!


  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,198

    Thanks. I know about a few of these, but it's good to have both confirmation and to see new ones.

  • CasualEvolutionCasualEvolution Member, PRO Posts: 543

    Well, I found another thing that works differently when moving to HTML5, @adent42 I will add here everything I find, with the idea that this will help you when you work on these aspects.

    5- In Display Text, the position of the text change when you have the "wrap inside actor" option turned on.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,198
    edited July 2022

    Thanks @CasualEvolution

    I have some fixes prepped for 1 and 3. 2 should be something i fix, but I need to think about it more carefully. 4 has a fix, sort of. I need to double check to make sure logical expressions will work the same on the HTML5 engine before allowing them in the expression editor.

    Display text is a bit of a thorn in our side since we had to rebuild it from scratch with different code than our native engine. I'm happy to be made aware of bugs in the rendering differences to make sure we catch these cases.

    Could you also let me know the font you're using. Sometimes the differences are based on something specific to the font. This doesn't sound like one of those issues, but it would be nice to know so that I don't have to come back and ask later if it is.

  • CasualEvolutionCasualEvolution Member, PRO Posts: 543

    Of course! Let me review well how it happens and I'll give you more detail.

  • CasualEvolutionCasualEvolution Member, PRO Posts: 543
    edited July 2022

    I was spending a little more time on it and I have a correction... @adent42 your comment on point 5 was very lucky, because I went to review and reported something wrong, here is the clarification

    The bug I mentioned regarding point 5 and the text with the "wrap inside actor" option is NOT a bug present in the HTML5 export, it is a bug only present in the "HTML5 preview" which is already known to have other problems with the texts, sorry for reporting incorrectly.

    5fix - If you use the "HTML5 Preview", in the Display Text function, the position of the text changes when it has the option "wrap inside the actor" activated (only happend in HTML5 Preview)

    Image on the left shows the correct text with standard preview, on the right, the misplaced text using the HTML5 Preview

    6- Some fonts are cut off and positioned incorrectly when exporting HTML5. In the example on the left side the correct text, on the right side the text when exported in HTML5, is cut off and with incorrect line spacing (in this case the text source is "Supersonic Rocketship")

    7- The text in the exported HTML5 version is noticeably blurrier...

    8- It is not exactly an error, but this was not a problem before and now it is. A variable of type index, if it was loaded with a negative value, was set to 0... but in HTML5 that is an error.

    message: the attribute expects a index value

    I keep going and if I find something else, I'll add it!

  • CasualEvolutionCasualEvolution Member, PRO Posts: 543

    My project has hundreds of errors in the GS online version, and I see that it won't let me play the project, not until all the errors are eliminated... I see there are bugs in yellow and bugs in red, I guess the bugs in red need to be resolved and those in yellow are an alert?

    Should the yellow errors also be corrected so that the project can play?

    For example, I realized that an error is yellow when it is inside a deactivated rule or group and that it turns red if I activate that rule or group... that seems reasonable, but...

    9- There are some errors that remain in red, despite being inside a deactivated group or rule, for example if "spawn actor" is left with the actor field empty, it is marked as an error in red, despite being in a deactivated area

  • CasualEvolutionCasualEvolution Member, PRO Posts: 543

    10- error in Change Attribute


    I didn't find how to solve it, I put parentheses before the minus sign, I put it in the following part and neither...

  • CasualEvolutionCasualEvolution Member, PRO Posts: 543

    Hi @adent42 I have some queries...

    Initially, I went to the online version of GS, simply with the intention of playing the project exported from the Mac version of GS... which I couldn't do since these more than 500 errors appeared that must be corrected to be able to play.

    However, the html5 exported from the Mac version, I was able to put it on my website hosting and run it from there... of course with some bugs.

    Does the html5 exported from the Mac version have the same errors reported by the online version of GS when importing it? or some errors are reported in the online version, there are not necessarily errors in the html5 exported from Mac?

    As you mentioned that you were going to prepare some fixes for the things that I have reported, those would be implemented in the export to html5? or will be part of the import in the online version of GS?

    I make these queries, to see how to proceed and since the errors are more than 500 and because I don't necessarily need to go through the online version of GS, unless it is the only way to automatically "correct" these errors.

    Thank you

  • CasualEvolutionCasualEvolution Member, PRO Posts: 543

    Hello @adent42 I don't know if you could see my previous post, if you can I would like you to help me with these questions, because I am waiting for this to see how to proceed.

    Thank you!

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