After publishing for Android: Invalid Data safety form

MarcoColMarcoCol Member, PRO Posts: 279


I got an info, that the Data safety form is not correct.

In an old forum thread (, I asked regarding, if GameSalad collect any data and I got the info, that if I republish the game, that GameSalad no longer any data collect. Or was that only on iOS and NOT Android?

I select that in the form, but it seems to be wrong.

What must I do?

Regards, Marco


  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,198

    @MarcoCol , can you send me either a link to your game's APK or the publishing link, so I can see what's in it?

    Here's how it's working, if you've republished recently.

    • No tracking by default
    • If you enable ad networks, it will enable any tracking from those.
    • If you enable GameAnalytics, it will enable tracking from that.
    • We haven't vetted the permissions we've asked for to see if it triggers any, issues, so you might want to ask if any of the requested permissions need to be disabled.

    What I want to see from your APK or your publishing page ( is to see what you have enabled so I can double tech that we're configuring things correctly.

  • MarcoColMarcoCol Member, PRO Posts: 279


    we didn't use anything with analytics or ads.

    I have re published them now and until now not again any feedback.

    Should I send the publishing page link by PM to you?

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,198

    @MarcoCol yes please, I'd like to take a look to double check some things.

  • MarcoColMarcoCol Member, PRO Posts: 279

    Hmm, two were now approved. Lets wait and see, that they say with the other two...

  • MarcoColMarcoCol Member, PRO Posts: 279

    Seems, that it worked now. No addional feedback or requests from Google, all approved.


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