Device Resolution Help

NoobDevNoobDev Member, PRO Posts: 42

Recently released my second app to the play store and got a complaint about the full scene not showing. Did some research and that persons phone along with a host of other next gen android devices have a screen aspect ratio of 20:9. Both of my games were built 16:9 but this second one is landscape. Exactly which attribute do I need to change to have it show as intended. Right now I have overscan selected and in my main play scene I have a character that controls camera and the scene is scrollable if any of that matters. Also will there ever be any additions to the stock resolutions we can select in the dropdown box? 20:9 seems like it will become the dominant resolution considering how phone manufacturers are designing longer but not wider phones these days. thanks for any help.


  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,375

    I'm trying to get my templates adapted for various Android changes, including the absurdly long phones and the absurdly square ones (glaring at you, Galaxy Fold). Not sure when I'll get it done, though.

    That said, adapting a game depends so much on the game. Overscan cuts things off on longer/taller devices, but Stretch adds stuff. Knowing how you need to handle things will depend entirely on the game itself.

  • NoobDevNoobDev Member, PRO Posts: 42

    I see. @adent42 how difficult of a task is it to add a 20:9 aspect ratio in the drop down menu? Also, I'm asking out of ignorance so excuse me if I'm out of depth here but is it possible to make a built in attribute that controls the aspect ratio and make it changeable so that we can put in some rules that will change it based on device resolution?

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