Publishing in Apple Store fails due to lack of key for “”
When trying to publish an update to one of my old apps in Apple Store, Apple Store Connect will not accept the new revision due to lack of key for “” in Xcode. Any hint about this?
Has anyone published apps with Apple Game Center feature lately? If so, have you had to provide a key for “” somewhere in the GS project?
Is there any new information that has to be provided for apps that use Apple Game Center?
I'm using Creator 1.25.103 and RC Build.
Thanx in advance
Could you DM me your publishing link?
It's solved. And this was the solution:
Login to the Apple Developer Portal.
Navigate to "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles".
Under "Identifiers", select my app's Bundle ID.
In the list of services, check "Game Center" (is was NOT checked)
Generated new provisioning profile
Signed with the new profile.
Published and... "voila"!!! No more rejection for revision of the App.