physics not carrying to GM arcade

The platforms in my game are not supposed to move when colliding with the player, they dont when I play the game in preview, but they do when I upload it to arcade. I have the density at 0 for the player and 100000000 for the platforms, why are they doing this? if anyone knows a fix that would be awesome


  • uptimistikuptimistik Key Master, Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 304

    Hi there! Have you tried constraining their X & Y positions as well? Can you share a link to the project?

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  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,375

    If the platforms are never supposed to move, set their Physics>Moveable attribute to false. If they are supposed to move sometimes, just not when the player hits them, then that's surprisingly difficult to prevent. I'd do what @uptimistik suggests and constraining their X and Y positions at the times they're not supposed to move. That should do the trick. Messing around with density and things isn't going to help too much. They're not really intended to enforce extremes.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,194
    edited October 2023

    @StickeN totally agree with what everyone else said. The problem you'll see is if you're using the native preview, the arcade will be a bit different. The HTML5 engine isn't quite a performant as the native engine, especially for stuff like physics, so you will see differences.

    Using constraints if you want it to sometimes move based on physics, or unchecking Movable if the item never moves are better solutions than dense platforms at this point.

    Now I'm not sure why a high density object is moving in one or the other, so if you could DM me a link to your project ( that would help us improve the parity between the Native and HTML5 engines.


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