iOS RC coming soon.

adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,142

Hi all, I was hoping to have the new iOS RC out tonight but I believe it's best to delay it a bit while we recompile the binaries again.

This build will update all Ad networks and include support for the epochTime feature that is in Android already.

The next release target is Sunday night. This delay sshould allow us to get rid of the SwiftSupport directory issues some users have been having.



For the more tech / behind the scenes curious:

  • We had started compiling with all of the ad networks setup as dynamic frameworks, which would allow us to remove different ad networks from your package as configured in publishing, slimming down your final app.
  • The problem with this is that this triggers a need to include dynamic Swift Support libs as well.
  • This would trigger a need for us to generate IPAs instead of app files, which while generally desirable, would delay the release as we are not at all tooled for that in the publishing system.
  • Soooo, we're adjusting the build to statically compile ad libraries as they have always been, so that no one has to adjust their workflow.

Looking forward to getting this updated build into everyone's hands!


  • HypnorabbitHypnorabbit SingaporeMember Posts: 272

    Awesome and thanks for the insight! Good to know some background on the reasons “why”. Looking forward to the release.

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