Memory Usage for game of 80 levels game
Member Posts: 78
I'm developing a game of 80 levels ,and so far I've developed up to level 4 levels. The memory usage is increasing and it's 35 MB now. I still have 76 levels to go and I'm afraid that that it will go over 40 MB in memory usage. Up to how many MB can I have in memory usage? This is my first game for the iphone, and I would appreciate any tips in memory usage... is it really something to be concerned about or would GameSalad optimize this for me before I get to publish into the app store? What is the recommendable?
Anyone know what the current one is for sure?
Anyway, the memory usage for the GS engine itself it's about 14 MB, and my game is using up to 35 MB in memory... I wonder if that would be a problem then. Please can anyone share more of their experiences in memory usage?
iPodTouch 2G is the slowest device right now (still being supported by Apple). It generally has about 40-45 MB of available RAm. But its best to test on a device. GS has a tendency to grow in RAM usage about 10-20% as the scene runs. You have to test to determine that threshold as every game is unique and has a slightly different impact on the devices depending on what is going on in the scene.
The RAM demands are defined on a scene by scene basis. So you would need to test every scene to make sure you don't exceed the limits. Images and music are the biggest RAM users. In complex (heavy) games...the game engine can become big too.
I have been resizing images in my game to decrease memory usage. I use an iPod 32 GB to test my games, so I don't have an iPhone 4. I'm wonder if it's really worth to resize the images, as GS is supposed to handle all that stuff, so I can create big images that can be suitable for the retina display?