What is your occupation, or day job? What are your interests?
I thought I'd post a survey to see what people do as their "day job" if creating their masterpiece game is their 2nd job
If this is your primary focus, you can post too, just wanted to see if there are any peeps in the forum that perhaps, like me, do something completely different than designing games
I myself am a Registered Nurse, work 4 days per week (because 5 would make me legally insane)
I get up at the crack-ass of dawn and start my day working at 6am, I go to the gym after work everyday..... and try to pull in 1 weekend workout.....
In my downtime, which has become very little since discovering GS, I work on my games, as well as play the latest and greatest. Some of my faves are: Little Big Planet, Braid for Xbox 360 (Brilliant game if you haven't played it), and whatever the Nintendo DS and PSP have to offer
I also LOVE the classics and am a huge retro gamer: Love the Sega Saturn, thank you Japan for giving it the support it deserved! Some great SHMUPS on their, as well as SNES greats like Chrono Trigger, Yoshi's Island, and other classics.
My top 10 all time favorite games, in no particular order are:
Little Big Planet (PS3)
Yoshi's Island (SNES)
Paper Mario (N64)
Super Mario World (SNES)
Castle of Illusion: Mickey Mouse (Genesis)
Castlevania: SOTN (PSX) - one of the greatest games ever made
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
Braid: (Xbox 360, online marketplace)
Chrono Trigger (SNES)
Secret of Mana (SNES)
oh and #11 just had to go in here b/c it's a fabulous piece of work: Odin Sphere (PS2)
I'm a huge fan of caffeine.. (it's what gets me through the day), PIXAR, and Toucans....
What are your interests?
If this is your primary focus, you can post too, just wanted to see if there are any peeps in the forum that perhaps, like me, do something completely different than designing games

I myself am a Registered Nurse, work 4 days per week (because 5 would make me legally insane)
I get up at the crack-ass of dawn and start my day working at 6am, I go to the gym after work everyday..... and try to pull in 1 weekend workout.....
In my downtime, which has become very little since discovering GS, I work on my games, as well as play the latest and greatest. Some of my faves are: Little Big Planet, Braid for Xbox 360 (Brilliant game if you haven't played it), and whatever the Nintendo DS and PSP have to offer
I also LOVE the classics and am a huge retro gamer: Love the Sega Saturn, thank you Japan for giving it the support it deserved! Some great SHMUPS on their, as well as SNES greats like Chrono Trigger, Yoshi's Island, and other classics.
My top 10 all time favorite games, in no particular order are:
Little Big Planet (PS3)
Yoshi's Island (SNES)
Paper Mario (N64)
Super Mario World (SNES)
Castle of Illusion: Mickey Mouse (Genesis)
Castlevania: SOTN (PSX) - one of the greatest games ever made
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
Braid: (Xbox 360, online marketplace)
Chrono Trigger (SNES)
Secret of Mana (SNES)
oh and #11 just had to go in here b/c it's a fabulous piece of work: Odin Sphere (PS2)
I'm a huge fan of caffeine.. (it's what gets me through the day), PIXAR, and Toucans....
What are your interests?
I too LOVE caffeine & anything energy-enhancing related. I go to sleep at the butt crack of dawn, (typically 4am-5am) wake up at noon, goto work @ 1pm, get off at 9pm, play with my son/wife for 2 hours until 11pm, then the gaming begins.
My game plan is to make Game Salad into a full time gig. I do plan on being successful & believe I have every tool to make that happen.
I love video games, especially RTS, RPG, & open-world Super-Human games. (like Crackdown or this new Protoype game)
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Nah, lies, I'm a time traveling chicken
My main passions are my family, mobile gaming, animation and design in no particular order. I'm a geek by nature and have been into computer hardware amongst other geeky ventures for quite some time now.
Just like JGary321 I'd much rather make a living creating games... Again, GameSalad - 'I'm looking at you Game Salad' to quote JGary321.
I enjoy most games as long as the gameplay is exciting. I'm not a hardcore-super-realistic-graphics-or-I-won't-touch-the-game gamer. I just enjoy great gameplay, although I'd love to fuse the two extremes with all of my games but we'll see.
Lastly I enjoy a good beer and dig the occasional...yeah...
- danrel
P.S. - I'm an intergalactic moose hellbent on overthrowing the evil porcupine regime of the greater Northwest(damn overgrown rodents!)
Danrel - I'll keep my eye open for any space faring meese i see!
P.S. I know it's really moose, but meese sounds better =p
Love any game but am partial to MMO's
Fav games are:
Flight Control
Ms. Pac-Man
I mainly focus on software engineering and have an interest to go into web design, but it could be swayed to game design when I make millions of my games through GameSalad?
P.S check out my first game, I am going to build more levels maybe, and have the levels longer with increasing hardness over time, and add an overall more professional feel... with health bar and score display a bit more purty
Lately I have been learning how to pixelate for my future games,,,,so... yes. I spend a lot of time on my computer day and night I got to before I start a new job.
Oyea,,,, working in pixelation animation,,, it's very hard but... I need to master all this for my games.
LOL and of-course I like games too here my list of favorites and what I own.
PC Genjin (B.C Kid a.k.a Bonk)= gamecube
Super Adventure Island = gamecube
Dracula X = Super CD rom2 TG16
Shadow of the Beast= CD rom 2 TG16
All Castlevania= nds
Splatter House= PC engine
Metal Slug 6= ps2
Games are big deal in my life,,,, but I like to go out and have fun too,,, I might become a troll or a vampire in my basement =D