actors pursuing other actors around barriers...

harrioharrio Member Posts: 234
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
will there be any implementation of nodal 'path-finding' for actor routes or pursuit around barriers or within maze like structures like pacman? or will we have to implement it somehow through the behaviors functions?


  • harrioharrio Member Posts: 234
    bump...anything in the way of a* or pathfinding to be added...?
  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    Hi harrio,
    we'll look into that. If you take a look at our Piryx Man game we use actors as nodes to determine when there is a fork in the road.
  • harrioharrio Member Posts: 234
    hello cm,

    thanks for the answer. sorry to sound ignorant but i can't check any of the games or their code. i can't even play any of them because my laptop has not arrived yet. i can only view the site at work, on a pc, and safari is not allowed to be downloaded. so basically, i am desperate with anticipation to dive into this engine, but stuck with paper, pencil and bugging you with stupid questions...appologies.
  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    no problems. We are not supporting PC's yet for either games nor the tool yet, so starting with pen and paper is a good start.
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