First payment... big problem ??
I know that apple's daily/weekly stats should not be used for financial reports... but have you ever had such a difference that you start to wonder if you are not being ripped off ?
In one of my march weeks i sold to US 160 of one app and 106 of a second one... but yet my monthly total is 145 and 70 !!!!
What gives ?
Let me know your thoughts on this
I know that apple's daily/weekly stats should not be used for financial reports... but have you ever had such a difference that you start to wonder if you are not being ripped off ?
In one of my march weeks i sold to US 160 of one app and 106 of a second one... but yet my monthly total is 145 and 70 !!!!
What gives ?
Let me know your thoughts on this
I looked over the numbers again, and although it wasn't much of a discrepancy, it seems there still is some deviation from what I added up in downloads
@crazybreadman - maybe contact the appfigures guys and see what they have to say about it?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
My first thought is to double check to see if you have any returns and if any promo codes were used. The promo codes generally still count as purchases, but they probably won't show up on your payment statement, since they were given out for free.
Another possibility could be purchases that haven't been "fully processed" yet.
Still, we're looking into it and hopefully we'll have a more in-depth answer sometime in the next day or so.
But yes promo codes DO count on your units sold
You are a month off also
March's statement is for like a month before that even...
my guess is you are seeing feb with a tiny bit of Jan prorated from layover.
They send you he statement at the end of feb and call it march's payment date.
It is almost three months ago by the time you get paid.
Ironically when you buy something they have the money the next day
I'd like to send them a bill for my ipads in three months
When you look at itunes daily reports, you can tell which was promos used because there's a 0 amount next to royalty payment or something like that.
I came up with an $11 dollar discrepancy, and emailed itunes banking about it, I'll let you know what they say
That's pretty steep MrFunkleberry, not cool!
Read this article, it said that someone was shorted 10K in payment, so I guess this has been a known issue.
I guess I can live without my $11
And look at this thread, looks like we're not the only ones having issues:
Don't give up! Tshirt has been there since the beginning so what would take months for someone to program a game takes him days, he's a talented guy!
I find that doing multiple projects at a time helps break up the monotony, some are longer than others
Is someone wearing your meatsuit?
I'll buy you a pint on Saturday and all will be right with the world, don't you worry!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Here you go QS: Since I won't see you Saturday, this one's on me
Sales reports are good for getting a real time feel of how many downloads you may have but financial reports reflect the end result of transactions processed and billed to customers, so the two should not be compared.
I still question it, but at least it clears things up. Not sure where the discrepancy might be coming from, but for me it wasn't a huge gap
Getting paid for march sales is still a ways out.
Can't get discouraged. A lot of self employed folks with a serious business spend or go into debt easily a hundred k or more as a startup investment.
To be a few months into a business even see a dime of profit (meaning not in debt) is pretty remarkable.
Look at education...It's the worst but, people dont think about it. My wife's education for example took nearly ten years and was over 200k. Those student loans won't let her technically see profit for 20 years. Sure she keeps some of her paycheck but none of the money is really ours. It's just all how you look at.
This apple (and android) thing is really in unique in that aspect
I'll see what they come up with !
The app dev business is not much different from any other business...especially in tech. Its highly competitive...well saturated...and very fluid. Only the best survive.
You seem to have lots of talent from what I have seen...but these days its not enough. You (as an entrepreneur) have to have the whole package. Business sense, salesmanship, rock solid determination, lots of trial and error, a massive tolerance for failure, and much more. If you are in it to make a have to give it lots of time. I've been in self-employment for 10+ years and was profitable for maybe 2 of those years. its a roller-coaster ride...with lots of ups and downs...especially in economic times like these.
But in my 10+ year history of searching for a good product business to be in (other than soliciting design services)...the Appstore is the first thing we have come across that requires virtually no up-front investment other than time...and on top of have up to 100,000,000 consumers delivered to you by year's end at the low cost of 30cents on the dollar IN PROFITS...with virtually no up front costs to deliver a product is unrivaled ANYWHERE.
This is amazing to us...that you can have direct consumer access for a product overnight and be able to sell a product with ZERO inventory expenses, distribution costs/concerns, middlemen, office overhead...etc. Its amazing to us and we plan to stick around for the long haul. We have been working for a year so far with only our first app series coming out this spring. Sales are slow out of the gate...but we believe in our concept and are giving it time. Plus...the great thing is you publish and forget about it and move on. In your product line should your revenue.
But again...its not easy and to make GOOD money at have to stand out...which I have found is no different than anything else. its about sales and having a consistently good product that the general consumer wants. This is the cornerstone of capitalism. Its the same for everybody. Fortunately with something like the app store and don't need a lot of startup capital or resources to play and the risk to reward ratio is VERY least for us.
Good luck...and I recommend sticking with it.