How Do I Simulate a drag on a Multiscreen Menu?
Hi All.
Ive created a multiscreen menu system that works great. However, I'd like to create a function that automatically advances/drags over to the extended part of the menu when a player has completed all of the levels within the current view. Im not sure how I should approach this since the drag function uses an 'IF TOUCHED, COMPARE X1 to X2' rule.
Any help would be appreciated.
Ive created a multiscreen menu system that works great. However, I'd like to create a function that automatically advances/drags over to the extended part of the menu when a player has completed all of the levels within the current view. Im not sure how I should approach this since the drag function uses an 'IF TOUCHED, COMPARE X1 to X2' rule.
Any help would be appreciated.
Also gshelper has or had one to if you check out
Hope they help you some
For example - how would you implement a function that automatically (no human interaction) scrolls from level 1 to level 5 in your menu?
Make a game integer for the area count starting at 1 then going up by 1 each time a level is complete and do a rule with the camera if area = 1 interpolate camera position x to 240 if area=2 interpolate camera x to position 480 and so on.
I wasnt clear about the manipulation of the camera controls. Let me give this a try...
Works exactly like i need it to!
BTW - You guys at DeepBlueApps have some of the most awesome tools Ive seen for GS. I think I will be getting the entire set (I need everyone of them!)