What is the most money you have made off of a game?
Curious about the income coming from Gamesalad games. Also how much time did the game take you, did you have help, etc.
Edit: you can just say a rounded figure, i.e (small, big, less than $100, more than $2) anything
Edit: you can just say a rounded figure, i.e (small, big, less than $100, more than $2) anything
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but honestly, I don't think anyone would say, unless they have made a a reasonable sum.
Sydney Swans 2014!!
You wouldn't just walk up and ask random people private !@#$% about thier lives would you? So what makes this community any different?
My stats,
From a game (PC) : $$$$
From an app: -$ (neg)
It was gingerbread and cost £1.42p reduced from £5.99p
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
To the OP - it is a valid question, and one that if people didn't respond so pathetically could open a valid discussion that would glean some useful stats of app sales expectations.
As a forward thinking, modern game development studio I believe sharing data benefits us all.
We released two iOS apps last year - and in total I think we made about $700. VERY disappointing but we shall be trying again in a few weeks.
We have been working on PSP Minis and PSM mainly recently, and they earn much more revenue in general, but it tends to plateau out at a few thousand per title for even the best selling titles so you certainly wouldn't buy a house.
Dr Evil.
Plus you really shouldn't ask about the money. You wouldn't go up to some random person on the street and ask how much money they made last year. same rule applies here. If you want to ask how many downloads did you have last year, I'm sure that would be fine.
First priority should be making games for fun and to see people enjoy playing them!