Playhaven - Do you still get paid if you no longer have a pro license?
My Pro license is running out in November.
I will have three games out by then. Then I'm considering not renewing my pro license.
What will happen to my games?
Will I still get paid for iAds?
Will I still get paid for Playhaven "More Games" and "Interstitials"?
My Pro license is running out in November.
I will have three games out by then. Then I'm considering not renewing my pro license.
What will happen to my games?
Will I still get paid for iAds?
Will I still get paid for Playhaven "More Games" and "Interstitials"?
What happens to my apps on the App Store if I do not renew my membership?
If your membership expires, your apps will no longer be available for purchase and will not appear in search results on the App Store. However, if you renew your membership after it has expired, your apps will be available for purchase on the App Store within 24 hours. You do not need to resubmit your apps.
Apps will still function for those that have it, but i'm not sure about iAds...
I'm looking for answers to my questions above, about what happens to your revenue streams when you are no longer a Game Salad Pro Member.
And I'd like to know why we can't get our Playhaven money that we've earned, even after our Pro membership expires.
Just makes me want to not put it in.
I mean, it's my game right, whether or not I have a Game Salad Pro license.
Could we just create our Playhaven agreements outside of the Game Salad system, please? Or transfer it outside if we leave Game Salad Pro?
I don't see why I should need to keep paying for a Pro License if I'm not even creating games anymore, just to upkeep my Playhaven contract.
And yes, it'd be good to know the exact details about when and how payments are given to the developer from Playhaven revenues over time.
Who can give us solid facts on this, @BlackCloakGS?
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Hope to hear some facts and figures soon.
I guess that basically sums up what has been stated. Game Salad get the money from Playhaven, and then pass on the developer's share to the developer.
Do Game Salad continue to pay that revenue share to the Game Salad user for as long as the app is active on the App Store, even if the user is no longer a Pro Member?
That is what I would expect. Please clarify. Thanks.
I'd expect they would pay you for periods that you were subscribed for
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Hi there, could I please get a definitive answer to exactly how the payments system works with regards to Playhaven and being a Pro (or lapsed Pro) Member?
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
If you are not renewing pro you probably should not bother messing with pro features.
Just my 2cents
- Why are we no longer paid after our pro license expires?
is very similar to
- Why can our apps not stay on the App Store after our developer license expires?
Get my point?
The Guru
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
We're talking about not renewing gamesalad pro license. We are not talking about not renewing our apple license.
And no one was asking if we continue to earn playhaven money after our gamesalad license expires(edit: maybe hymloe was hinting at that?) . We were asking if we get paid our money earned before our license expired. As you are aware I'm sure playhaven payments are three months behind their earnings.
You can earn money from every pro feature you've implemented with your pro license except for play haven after your gamesalad license expires.
And you get nothing if you don't renew your apple license. But that wasn't even part of the discussion.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I wanted to know if we would keep getting paid our Playhaven revenue, even after the GS Pro license expires, because it would obvious be my preference to keep getting paid.
GS seem to have set up a deal, whereby they make it easier for Playhaven (supposedly), by taking on the administration efforts of taking all the Playhaven revenue, and handing it out to us.
Playhaven have to report to us all individually anyway, but I guess they only have to deal with one actual contract.
So anyway, GS are, I suppose, taking charge of the Playhaven revenue, and only handing it on to us for the time that we had a Pro license, and keeping any extra revenue coming through for anyone who doesn't have a Pro license.
I just wanted to know how it worked, because I didn't know.
I mean, we pay for the GS Pro license, and we get to keep some of the things we make, and features we setup, forever. So I just wasn't sure how Playhaven worked.
Once we've released an app on App Store, with Tweet Sheets, and iAds, and Game Centre, those things all just last forever, and don't rely on a GS Pro license. I was hoping the same would be true of Playhaven, as in my opinion, it really should be.
I appreciate that GS have setup a deal with Playhaven, as I hear good things. Ideally, they would have set it up so that it was independent of the GS Pro license, and that we could leave GS at some point, and keep the full benefits of the things we've made with it, without being anchored to them.
But it's all good.
YES, as FBS as said, you get paid 100% of the money that you earn during your pro license, regardless of the fact that they are 3 months behind.
NO, this stops when your pro license expires. WHY? Because GameSalad has cost, and they cannot support payments indefinitely.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I have been meaning to say this to you for a while but been holding off.
We all read the complaints and issues that GS has according to all the members.
We start to remember who is here professionally and who is here because they think they can hide behind a computer screen.
Let them complain, if you don't respond they will just walk away. If its well written concern then take time out of your day to write back. Otherwise there really isn't anything benifits in continuing to respond and it's keeping you from creating another great game.
GS is great and it deserves to have continue support, but when you think about it, it's a program that's free that is simple to use. It's never going to be enough. One day it's GS doesn't have joints, next it's a big things that GS doesn't pay after PRO, then the next day it's about people not responding with in a few minutes of asking a question.
My point is, I have noticed in evey complaint or issue your the first to step up and defend. We all know and it's great almost most of the time. But sometimes I wonder if the other small amount of responses are actually fuelling the fire then pointing it out. I just think with the amount of knowledge that you seem to know, put it to maximum use instead of wasting it on members who are here for a month then move on.
All the best
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS