Screen Resolution Question(s) - Did I screw up on step 1 of game development?
So, when I first started developing my game, nearly a month ago now, I chose "iPhone Landscape" as my resolution option, but I can't even remember if I ticked off "resolution independence"!!
Is this going to cause serious problems if I want my game to be available on iPad, Kindle, and ALL Android cellphones including the Samsung Galaxy Note and Mega series with like 6" screens?
If it will, which I think is obvious enough, can someone please tell me how I can fix this issue before publishing my game, which won't be happening for another month or so. (Lots of work yet to do).
I saw something about editing an .XML file? Will this work for my case? Thank you in advance!!
No it won't mess up your game. Just go into project tab and turn off resolution independence and you will be fine.
You'll want to play around with the overscan/stretch options in the creator's preview to check how your game will work on other devices. iOS won't approve letterboxes games, but Amazon/Win8 will.
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Whoops, I'm using Windows Creator. Doesn't seem to be a way to change "resolution independence" on and off.
So I would want it OFF? I thought I would of wanted it ON for my game to be well fitted for multiple screen sizes/resolutions?
resolution independence is only used when you are making a game for a ios device with retina display and want to take advantage of the higher resolution 2048x1536. Otherwise you don't use it.
Follow this thread. Backup before experimenting..
Current Projects I am working on: Stupid Duck, Zango's Shark Adventure, AoD: Age of Dragons, Rocket Jump: The Pixel Invaders