Your new web developer!
Hi everyone!
I was hired a couple of weeks ago onto the GameSalad web development team. User experience is a passion of mine, so I definitely want to start hanging around the forums and getting to know the people I'm developing for!
You'll probably hear more from me as I have specific announcements or questions, but for now I'd like to hear your impressions of the web experience as it is now. What do you like? What don't you like? What's missing? Obligatory disclaimer: I can't guarantee that we can act on this information any time soon.
Here's to a better web!
Hey @WebWarrior !
Welcome to the crew! : )
Glad to have you on board and it's great you're asking for user impressions!
Honestly, compared to other forums, the GS forums look pretty darn slick! Not that this is something that needs to happen, but a slight redesign may be nice, I like redesigns every now and then.
Additionally, I think the home page could use some work. I think that updating it is important. I think a redesign here would really make an impact for people visiting the site - it'll grab their attention. Vibrant colors and simplicity -- it's what's going around on the web these days.
Furthermore, being able to get to our profile from anywhere on the forum by clicking our user names in the top right would be fantastic. I know @ForumNinja and I talked about it earlier and he made a slight adjustment so this can now be done the main forum page. It would just be a nice little thing. : )
Again, welcome!
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@WebWarrior so will you be working on the publishing portal as well? I have a few ideas on that
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Hi @WebWarrior! Welcome!
As for your request about getting to the profile, I think you can already do this...? At least when I click on my name, a dropdown appears with "Profile" as the top option.
Thanks for taking the time to write such a detailed post! We actually have had some ideas bouncing around for the home page... stayed tuned
I've been poking around the publishing portal a bit, although it's a lower-priority task for me. What did you have in mind?
@WebWarrior Clicking on the "Profile" link in the dropdown menu from anywhere on the site other than the community tab takes you to the wrong location. Compare clicking it here to clicking it on the homepage
Also I should probably get you hooked up with a GS badge and permissions.
Hi and welcome to the GS team @WebWarrior I agree with Bray with the home page, Lets get some recent featured games up there, as for the arcade side (not that I go on there) but again its all dated and just features old games (well done but lets get in 2014)
Im assuming your not part of the marketplace revamp so ill leave my comments blank there other than its stuck in the 80's before a search engine was invented. hint search ok then, I never left it blank, i couldnt help it.
Maybe look at another forum build, Vanilla always logs us out, it annoying and frustrating. The only reason I keep logging in because I drink too much coffee.
Lastly and I would say most importantly is the cookbook, So much stuff is outdated. Personally I dont need to refer to it, but there is so many posts saying the cookbook is outdated. Tweet sheet is one I see regularly. Android publishing is another. This is refered to by mods all the time as a reference but is always out of date. If you update the engine, update the manual. There are a few devs out here who try to keep up to date with tutorials but its not fair for the cookbook to neglect its inpotance just because the public are willing to make tutorials for new devs (your future $299 clients)
Now for another coffee....with baileys
Welcome !!
Welcome! You are in for a ride!
Hello welcome aboard!
edit: sick name!
Agreed, I guess we can have high expectations!
Done and done.
Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc ·
Welcome! The one thing I miss on the forums that we used to have is more emoticons. It just add more fun to posts.
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Yes it sucks
a head banger would be real handy 

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@ForumNinja - > @The_Gamesalad_Guru said:
Oh my gosh - we should get bowlboy emoticons!
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
That's not... entirely accurate.
Regarding the Cookbook, I actually just recently added some better navigation to it; it's a lot easier to get from page to page now. I might have to go poke some people to update the content, though; that's not really my specialty. I'm still a noob with the Creator!
@Braydon_SFX @The_Gamesalad_Guru Adding some more emoticons sounds like a fun idea! I'll look into it and see what I can do
@WebWarrior I found a navigation glitch in the Android section of the Cookbook. Go to cookbook/Android 4.1 scroll down and click "Next Page". I goes to "Apple Publishing 3.1". All the "Next Page" buttons in Android Publishing so this.
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@colander Thanks for the report, but it would help me more if you open that on our official bug tracker:
Edit: I had a free moment, so I looked into the issue - looks like a bug in our help desk software. I disabled the Next/Previous buttons as well as the sidebar until they get it fixed.
For those who are interested, the Featured Games gallery has been updated with a bunch of new games. A few older classics and some relatively new ones to boot.
Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc ·
Welcome! @WebWarrior
I just published a game and now the "new or update existing" option provides a list of your existing projects to pick from. I don't know if it's your responsible, but whoever is - thanks! Love it!
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
@Armelline: You're welcome! I'm glad to hear that it's been useful for you.
Website related, but there are two issues that really bug me. OS X Mavericks, Chrome browser.
First is that when I try to do the smiley represented by ascii as : D I have it automatically changed to
: disappointed_relieved :
. I'll type the : D, hit space and bam it's: disappointed_relieved :
- though I just tried to do it and for the first time in months it didn't happen. If that just got fixed, I'm even more pleased and impressed! And it happened every time before and isn't happening at all now, so fixed I assume it is!The second is that when I type someone's name, it starts to offer suggestions. And dammit this one seems to be fixed too. It used to be that nothing I pressed had any effect, and I still had to type the name out manually, but now that's working too.
I don't know if these are just co-incidences but I'm exceedingly pleased that both don't look like they'll troubling me any more
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
@Armelline: Yep, that's just a coincidence; I haven't touched anything on the forums
Someone must have as nothing about my setup has changed
Whoever it was, THANK YOU! I can smile free from restrictions and disappointment now!
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Hey, and welcome @WebWarrior!
So the new site is Wordpress? I kid! I kid! Welcome and I can't wait to see what you do with the place!
Hi @WebWarrior and welcome.
One suggestion. Could there be detailed release notes for each version of GS. Not in the forum but connected to each version of GS from the d/l page including which versions of mac OS X and Xcode the version will work with it.
Sorry I did find the notes (buried) but they are behind the version releases and missing consistent info. Thx