GameSalad Textbook
Yesterday I downloaded iBooks to my iPod Touch. It was slow, but amazing. Now I'm incredibly motivated to create a GameSalad Textbook. so, I'm testing the waters once again. Here's my new plan...
It would mainly be a PDF, so that it would be less expensive and it could easily be updated. However, a printed version could be made available. It would cover many different areas of GameSalad game development, from conception to marketing.
Originally, I was concerned about sales. Also, I had a bit of writer's block. I felt that I didn't have any business writing such a book, as I wasn't a GameSalad success story. But with Commove that has changed.
Plus, the people at Gendai Games are cool. If I take the pressure off them, by creating quality documentation, they'll have more resources to focus on what matters... like adding features to GameSalad.
So, who would by the book? It will probably be like 400 pages and available in digital form for $19.95.
If 10 people post here by the end of the day requesting the book, I am very seriously going to work on this project.
It would mainly be a PDF, so that it would be less expensive and it could easily be updated. However, a printed version could be made available. It would cover many different areas of GameSalad game development, from conception to marketing.
Originally, I was concerned about sales. Also, I had a bit of writer's block. I felt that I didn't have any business writing such a book, as I wasn't a GameSalad success story. But with Commove that has changed.
Plus, the people at Gendai Games are cool. If I take the pressure off them, by creating quality documentation, they'll have more resources to focus on what matters... like adding features to GameSalad.
So, who would by the book? It will probably be like 400 pages and available in digital form for $19.95.
If 10 people post here by the end of the day requesting the book, I am very seriously going to work on this project.
But yeah, I'd buy it. We need more docs!
I'm planning to include examples of many types of games... but one gigantic project might run through the entire book.
So, if keeping score, is that 2, 3 or 4 people interested in the book? it will not be ready tomorrow, nor will it contain sandwich recipes.
P.S. you spelled photics wrong
"Sorry, we couldn't find"
...and to the iTunes store...
...and if you don't have an iPad...
...and if you don't have an iPad, iPod Touch or iPhone...
This thread isn't about pre-orders... just a simple yeay or nay for the book idea. Maybe one day the community will be huge. But if 10 people can't post up with a "just do it man" response, then I'm not sure if I should still do the book.
Don't want to put the dampeners on it in any way though, but I read, not that long ago, (possibly in the one before last Big Picture) that Gendai are going to write a manual (as well as supply more tutorials/ videos). Whether or not that will happen, I don't know.
Get in there quick, Photics, it'd be terrific! (As would Gendai's version... aah, you know what I'm sayin')
A suggestion: as a graphic designer by trade, having designed manuals and books amongst many other things, I'd gladly donate my time to laying it out "professional, like".
Are you considering publishing it via a POD company, Lulu for instance?
Spiral Gyro Apps
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Just my opinion. But good luck making it if you do, 400 pages sounds like a bit of a chore to me!
EDIT: I also can't afford it
edit: written at the same time as Photics reply above.
Spiral Gyro Apps
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Spiral Gyro Apps
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Also, CreateSpace has better prices. I might not go with Lulu at all.
I like the idea of having a print version, but it would be offered more as a convenience for those who prefer paper. Thanks!
Also it would be simple to add updates to new editions every few months if you wanted.
For $20 I would love to see some screenshot illustrations of what some of the rules look like. Often when I try to follow instructions on a thread I'll fail because I'm implementing it incorrectly.
Gamesalad recipes would really be nice (audio volume sliders, level unlock, pause, controls, animation switching, accelerometer and I'm sure dozens of other commonly requested help).
Please make sure your book has a table of contents and an index?
Thanks for doing this. When do you think it will be ready?
So... that's seven and eight... is there a nine and ten? It doesn't matter. I think that's close enough. I'm incredibly psyched for this project now. I'm going to wrap up my next app and then I'm going to focus on the book.
Especially if you include chapters on how to incorporate Social Networking, In-App Purchasing, iAds, GameCenter, You know, iDevice stuff.
And Pause, right?
I wish you the best with this, Photics. While it wouldn't appeal to me personally as I know my way around the software and believe in just asking for help on here if stuck, I can see that there may be a demand for it, especially from those new to the software.
I kinda balked when I saw what you wanted to charge for it though, and that's my honest opinion. It doesn't make sense that the software is ostensibly free to use, but a manual for it costs $20!
However, that's just my opinion. Enough people here have said they'd buy it at that price, and as I said, I wish you every success!
Good luck!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
See, the way I see it, the hours and days I've spent/wasted going around in circles trying to figure stuff out and sometimes only missing the correct method by a "gnats knob", It's worth $20 to save me even one hour of foolishness. My time's too precious.
I'm looking forward to it and more left brain dead people like me will follow.
Thanks Photics.
I'm in an unbearably wonderful state, so take anything I say with a pinch of salt.
i.e. carry on as normal
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
$19.95 for a printed book can be very handy, if it can help you make thousands of dollars. I think that's a fair price for the GameSalad Textbook, as the printed books on my desk list for $39.99 and up.
I think its an amazing idea and I would gladly pay $20 for such a book.
Apple has made it VERY easy to publish to iBooks without a publisher! You should look at that as well!