State of GameSalad on 4-3-2015
Hello again all you GameSalad fans, and hope everyone has a great Easter weekend! Once again I’ve gathered some info to share with you guys, enjoy!
Amazon FireTV promotion! This promotion is no longer going on and thanks for everyone who took part! We plan on announcing the winners and giving out the free months of PRO membership today! Edit: the winners have been announced here:
Graphene SDK (previously known as “Cross platform Creator”). I know you guys are getting antsy for more info. I ask CodeWizard every week if there’s anything that I get to share with you guys, so as soon as I’m given any info I’ll share it!
For previously shared info or to sign up for beta access, refer to this thread:
Release Candidate 0.13.1 for Windows version of GameSalad Creator! We put out a nightly and RC build for Windows 0.13.1 recently! (note: these are the same build, the RC was pushed out so that free users had access to it as well) We’re still working towards fixing the known issues before pushing out a stable build. One such feature currently in this build is “Most game projects should import from Mac Creator 0.13” which is great! For the full list of features, known issues, and to report any issues you have using the 0.13 RC build head to this thread: To download the release, head here: Note: It is highly recommended that you uninstall any old versions of the Windows Creator Nightly before installing the new one.
Release 0.14.0 for the Windows version of GameSalad Creator. This release is planned to be the one that gets Windows version of Creator fully synched up with the Mac version feature wise! This includes all the features we have planned for our 0.14.0 release for Mac as well (see some below)!
Release 0.14.0 for the Mac version of Creator. Progress is being made on the ARC bugs that are holding up this release. A few features this release will have are AdMob integration, the new rendering engine, and full PlaysTogether support. We’re still working on converting Creator over to use ARC to reduce some of the performance issues you guys have been having (you can follow the list of ARC bugs holding up this release here: Check out this thread for more info on release 0.14.0:
New marketplace. Nothing new to report here. Work is still being done on this front and I'll let you guys know when I hear more!
April’s Monthly Meetup! Topic: Alan Uthoff (a.k.a. @BlackCloakGS) will be giving a talk: “Game Engines Not Another Browser”. The Meetup will be held Thursday, April 9th and you can find more details here:
That’s all I have for you guys. I hope there is much chocolate in your near future and more info will be coming your way next week!
Thanks so much!
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thank u
I was hoping for an Easter Egg.
Congrats to the winners
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Check out our other GameSalad exclusives.
Release 0.14.0 for the Mac version of Creator will have are AdMob!!!
yeah! it's a great thing! finger crossed
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Awesome work guys! @ForumNinja any new details regarding minimum iOS requirements when publishing (iOS7 and iOS8)?
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Here you go!
An Easter egg should include some "hidden surprise", this one must be the perfect one then

@ForumNinja Aah, thank you for the Easter Egg.
But I actually meant a hidden surprise in Creator or Publisher, like an "Instant 3D Button" or "Click for Surround Sound"!
@JSproject you got the idea.
Don't tell BlackCloackGS though, he'll faint. He has enough on his plate without trying to hide Easter Eggs in the program.
What admob banner size will GS support?
Instead of 99% copy and paste. Just type " We have nothing for you this month. Try back in another month" Then next month all you have to do is type "ditto". Then the month after that you cant type............................................."ditto" etc etc etc.
Why do I feel like I'm in a Bill Murray movie, and Im a news weatherman, and I want to sleep with Andie MacDowell?
Sleep with Andie MacDowell? NO WAY!
You and about 3,000,000 of us too!
Don't hate on ForumNinja for turning the update crank for us. We've got some exciting stuff coming soon. Honest.
I wonder what's at and
Nah, it's nothing.
Nah, it's nothing....
Maybe? Naaaahhhh....
If only I had an account.
Ever want to know what's on the roadmap for Graphene? Sure! Check it out!
Stuff's happening. And sooner than you thought!
@scottharrrules43 Yeah, I feel you. We'll be opening it up to more folks before you know it. Progress is fast and furious!
Man username codewizard and password gamesalad did not work.
The next announcement is that graphene is coming tomorrow right @CodeWizard .
@CodeWizard if you are going to tease you gotta please! ... Can't wait till it happens!!! the only thing is that I will be really busy to have time to play with it by then ... Better late than never I guess ...
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Nice! at least we can have a sneak peak here. Thanks. It is better than nothing ... Cheers
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Here's a neat teaser... custom fonts in Graphene. Here's a few screenshots to whet your appetite:
This simple project has one scene, one behavior, and one imported font. Let's look at the font for a moment:
A simple font tester... handy.... what about the scene?
Simple enough. A placed text object with some properties. Notice the "IncrementCount" behavior attached on the right panel? What's that?
Oh, it's a basic behavior that updates the Text property every 0.016 seconds. What's that look like in preview?
Oh, it's that easy? Nah! Can't be!
@CodeWizard Man you are on fire! I am loving this very neat ...
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There's so much cool stuff to share. Patience though. Patience.
Its case sensitive thats why it didn't work.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I have no problems waiting as long as we get a solid product. These updates are great and makes it worth the wait. @lycettebros will be happy! There is more than one screenshot ... ha ha
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I am happy
I am still hungry... What about dessert.
You will get fat if you eat that! ... ha ha
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It's all too much at once....I need time to digest all this....
oooh auto drop shadows
It is ok work out.