@Chunkypixels said: @Hopscotch ...so the Intercom.io thing is the help bubble in the bottom corner of the screen, and its been implemented in the latest version of the windows editor?
But what is the reference to the release of the engine on the 26th January? Was there a new build released that I missed? They seemed to be promoting a big release of the engine released on 26th January....
Yes, the help bubble is in the windows creator.
Since the windows version updates automatically, I can't tell you when exactly that update went live, but should be around that time.
Making it sound like a big release is just buttering up the news to make it sound exciting in the article.
Hi everyone! Let me take a quick minute to chime in on this thread.
It's true that SteveJ and BlackCloakGS are no longer with us. Our priorities have shifted and we had to make staffing changes to accommodate that. Some lost and some gained, as it were.
We're making great progress on 1.25. The scope of that update has gotten very large -- with additional changes beyond custom fonts making their way into the tool and engine earlier this month. Those changes are causing quite a bit more testing to take place to ensure it's ready for release. Bugs are bugs, sadly.
The major things remaining to resolve in 1.25, in my opinion, are the framerate hitches and text rendering quality. If all goes well that will be resolved over the next week. We'll push it out as soon as we can.
@CodeWizard said:
Hi everyone! Let me take a quick minute to chime in on this thread.
It's true that SteveJ and BlackCloakGS are no longer with us. Our priorities have shifted and we had to make staffing changes to accommodate that. Some lost and some gained, as it were.
We're making great progress on 1.25. The scope of that update has gotten very large -- with additional changes beyond custom fonts making their way into the tool and engine earlier this month. Those changes are causing quite a bit more testing to take place to ensure it's ready for release. Bugs are bugs, sadly.
The major things remaining to resolve in 1.25, in my opinion, are the framerate hitches and text rendering quality. If all goes well that will be resolved over the next week. We'll push it out as soon as we can.
More news soon!
Thank you for the update CodeWizard, much appreciated!
@CodeWizard Thanks for the update! Hopefully the wait was worth it, cause it was a long long wait. Looking forward to see what you guys cooked in the salad restaurant!
@CodeWizard said:
Hi everyone! Let me take a quick minute to chime in on this thread.
It's true that SteveJ and BlackCloakGS are no longer with us. Our priorities have shifted and we had to make staffing changes to accommodate that. Some lost and some gained, as it were.
We're making great progress on 1.25. The scope of that update has gotten very large -- with additional changes beyond custom fonts making their way into the tool and engine earlier this month. Those changes are causing quite a bit more testing to take place to ensure it's ready for release. Bugs are bugs, sadly.
The major things remaining to resolve in 1.25, in my opinion, are the framerate hitches and text rendering quality. If all goes well that will be resolved over the next week. We'll push it out as soon as we can.
@Codewizard ...could you tell us in what way priorities have changed?
Was it an amicable departure for BlackCloakGS and SteveJ? How will them no longer being around affect the continued development of GS engine and tools?
BlackCloakGS had been with GS for a long time, and had worked his way through the ranks to be lead developer. He probably knew the engine deeper and more thoroughly than most. How easy will it be to replace that knowledge?
What change in priorities would mean the need to get rid of two of the main engineers working on the engine and tools?
Not saying this is spelling doom for GS, but it is an end of an era. Hopefully great things are to come.
I'll miss @BlackCloakGS. He was a huge help and often involved in the community. Thank you @BlackCloakGS for everything you've done. It won't be the same without you! I hope you'll be happy wherever you end up!
I haven't had much contact with @stevej personally, so I don't feel the same heartfelt sadness, but you'll be missed as well!
@AlchimiaStudios ... I wouldn't think Codewizard actually gets to do much coding these days... with him having a company to run... won't be anywhere near as much as when he first joined GS
Theres still George though.... although it wouldn't surprise me if he's now quietly handing out his resume at conferences
PhilipCCEncounter Bay, South AustraliaMemberPosts: 1,390
edited February 2016
@PhilipCC said: @lycettebros said:
GS is a very small team trying to keep up with a fast moving business.
I hope fast moving doesn't mean falling! >:)
Damn! You see what happens when you make smart arse remarks. Self fulfilling.
Okay everyone... while this forum is still operational and the GS Publisher Engine still works, I'm starting a new thread where we can list the version/s of GS Creator that output the most stable builds we can still submit at this time. Also note any issues you have encountered with that version of Creator.
Considering the circumstances that came to light on the 25th/26th Feb 2016 some of us may be able to update current apps or submit new apps that are completed ASAP incase there is an extended wait for v1.25.
Here is an actual example, based on my last submission, of what I'm suggesting you to detail:
2015_1216 Mac Creator v1.23.1 It had no tables, no IAPs and no Ads. Included music and sounds. There were no submission issues and works as expected.
I put the new thread under Community Tutorials titled: Best versions of Creator at end February 2016.
Im sure @CodeWizard and the team they have rite now is working hard, and they said there doing work on the new update rite now. So I dont know why so much people are freaking out when there is a new update coming. I think everything will be fine. Just be patient.
PhilipCCEncounter Bay, South AustraliaMemberPosts: 1,390
@lycettebros said:
Good idea but I do not see the thread?
I added it about 5 minutes after my comment.
I just checked Community Tutorials and it's not there? Maybe someone didn't like what I was implying?
Anyway, I entered it again under Community Tutorials.
@Elemet said:
Im sure @CodeWizard and the team they have rite now is working hard, and they said there doing work on the new update rite now. So I dont know why so much people are freaking out when there is a new update coming. I think everything will be fine. Just be patient.
@Elemet - Hmm.. Why we are freaking out? my games are on hold as I cannot release games due to shuttering issues on the latest built.. Usually I do not care too much when update releases or how much time it takes but without stable version I am getting worried!
Well but most beloved update was the custom collision.. I love it!!
@CodeWizard (I guess you are now the new CEO ) I am a huge fan of GS, I love GS and I am making huge high quality games at GS and I have plans for more!! also I appreciate your effort on the work but I will suggest please bring back beta versions so it does not mix with stable version as I have never ever seen a program releasing a beta/untested program to replace the stable version as this is the cause of all the issues..
I do not want people like myself to update a stable version to beta untested version (which in fact says bug fixed or performance fix then update without a second thought ) and not able to revert our projects!!
About 80% of the users are waiting for fixing the shuttering issue which is the cause why there is a big panic for this update as most of us is not able to release the game on the latest built!!
Or I suggest releasing 1.24.43 to fix the performance issue and then adding features (i.e. custom fonts) cause if you release these together I am sure trying to fix both issues will end up wasting your and our time..
People who are crying for custom fonts give them access to beta testing of 1.25 and it will solve the issue!! as currently I (like myself there are many) am not interested in custom fonts as my only priority is stability!!
I think GameSalad is the best engine compared to any other engine, and I have use almost every one - I was also using another new which is expensive and after discussing enough on their forums, I just realised that it is dead, as I hear some inside detail from staff. And as soon as I gather money to purchase the Pro year membership, I will buy GameSalad. But still anyways, GameSalad Rocks! Let's interpolate together.(btw english is not my first language)
@CodeWizard i think a state of game salad post would go a long way here
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I saw an interview with CEO of the GS just yesterday.
I do not think everything is so bad but we deserve an explanation about next update.
Why is it so hard to give information? Every week one(1) post, is it so hard?
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Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze
Yes, the help bubble is in the windows creator.
Since the windows version updates automatically, I can't tell you when exactly that update went live, but should be around that time.
Making it sound like a big release is just buttering up the news to make it sound exciting in the article.
Thanks you a lot philip, you are very kind.
So When the release date is up, will the font install from computer or will the font install in a custom basis.
Hi everyone! Let me take a quick minute to chime in on this thread.
It's true that SteveJ and BlackCloakGS are no longer with us. Our priorities have shifted and we had to make staffing changes to accommodate that. Some lost and some gained, as it were.
We're making great progress on 1.25. The scope of that update has gotten very large -- with additional changes beyond custom fonts making their way into the tool and engine earlier this month. Those changes are causing quite a bit more testing to take place to ensure it's ready for release. Bugs are bugs, sadly.
The major things remaining to resolve in 1.25, in my opinion, are the framerate hitches and text rendering quality. If all goes well that will be resolved over the next week. We'll push it out as soon as we can.
More news soon!
Thank you for the update CodeWizard, much appreciated!
Dwarf Miner
@CodeWizard thank you
My Apps
Awesome, thank you, CodeWizard!
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Games and Templates
@CodeWizard Thanks for the update! Hopefully the wait was worth it, cause it was a long long wait. Looking forward to see what you guys cooked in the salad restaurant!
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@Codewizard ...could you tell us in what way priorities have changed?
Was it an amicable departure for BlackCloakGS and SteveJ? How will them no longer being around affect the continued development of GS engine and tools?
BlackCloakGS had been with GS for a long time, and had worked his way through the ranks to be lead developer. He probably knew the engine deeper and more thoroughly than most. How easy will it be to replace that knowledge?
What change in priorities would mean the need to get rid of two of the main engineers working on the engine and tools?
A sad day...
Not saying this is spelling doom for GS, but it is an end of an era. Hopefully great things are to come.
I'll miss @BlackCloakGS. He was a huge help and often involved in the community. Thank you @BlackCloakGS for everything you've done. It won't be the same without you! I hope you'll be happy wherever you end up!
I haven't had much contact with @stevej personally, so I don't feel the same heartfelt sadness, but you'll be missed as well!
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Risky thread, gotta' tread carefully !
Did I hear a collective sigh of relief across the GS forum?
Cautious optimism
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
CodeWizard is an optimistic guy, I hope they got this. I don't want to have to move on.
Well I'm very glad we got some answers, but I do have more questions now
Without @BlackCloakGS and @SteveJ, who's left on the engine programming side of things? Just @Codwizard with some new bodies coming soon?
Follow us: Twitter - Website
@AlchimiaStudios ... I wouldn't think Codewizard actually gets to do much coding these days... with him having a company to run... won't be anywhere near as much as when he first joined GS
Theres still George though.... although it wouldn't surprise me if he's now quietly handing out his resume at conferences
Time to send in your résumé, buddy.
My Blog / App Store / Google Play
There are no positions advertised as yet.
Damn! You see what happens when you make smart arse remarks. Self fulfilling.
Okay everyone... while this forum is still operational and the GS Publisher Engine still works, I'm starting a new thread where we can list the version/s of GS Creator that output the most stable builds we can still submit at this time. Also note any issues you have encountered with that version of Creator.
Considering the circumstances that came to light on the 25th/26th Feb 2016 some of us may be able to update current apps or submit new apps that are completed ASAP incase there is an extended wait for v1.25.
Here is an actual example, based on my last submission, of what I'm suggesting you to detail:
2015_1216 Mac Creator v1.23.1 It had no tables, no IAPs and no Ads. Included music and sounds. There were no submission issues and works as expected.
I put the new thread under Community Tutorials titled: Best versions of Creator at end February 2016.
Good idea but I do not see the thread?
Im sure @CodeWizard and the team they have rite now is working hard, and they said there doing work on the new update rite now. So I dont know why so much people are freaking out when there is a new update coming. I think everything will be fine. Just be patient.
I added it about 5 minutes after my comment.
I just checked Community Tutorials and it's not there?
Maybe someone didn't like what I was implying?
Anyway, I entered it again under Community Tutorials.
@Elemet - Hmm.. Why we are freaking out? my games are on hold as I cannot release games due to shuttering issues on the latest built.. Usually I do not care too much when update releases or how much time it takes but without stable version I am getting worried!
Well but most beloved update was the custom collision.. I love it!!
Current Projects I am working on: Stupid Duck, Zango's Shark Adventure, AoD: Age of Dragons, Rocket Jump: The Pixel Invaders
Facebook: https://facebook.com/reflectivebytegamestudios
Web: reflectivebyte.com
@CodeWizard (I guess you are now the new CEO
) I am a huge fan of GS, I love GS and I am making huge high quality games at GS and I have plans for more!! also I appreciate your effort on the work but I will suggest please bring back beta versions so it does not mix with stable version as I have never ever seen a program releasing a beta/untested program to replace the stable version as this is the cause of all the issues..
I do not want people like myself to update a stable version to beta untested version (which in fact says bug fixed or performance fix
then update without a second thought ) and not able to revert our projects!!
About 80% of the users are waiting for fixing the shuttering issue which is the cause why there is a big panic for this update as most of us is not able to release the game on the latest built!!
Or I suggest releasing 1.24.43 to fix the performance issue and then adding features (i.e. custom fonts) cause if you release these together I am sure trying to fix both issues will end up wasting your and our time..
People who are crying for custom fonts give them access to beta testing of 1.25 and it will solve the issue!! as currently I (like myself there are many) am not interested in custom fonts as my only priority is stability!!
Current Projects I am working on: Stupid Duck, Zango's Shark Adventure, AoD: Age of Dragons, Rocket Jump: The Pixel Invaders
Facebook: https://facebook.com/reflectivebytegamestudios
Web: reflectivebyte.com
I think GameSalad is the best engine compared to any other engine, and I have use almost every one - I was also using another new which is expensive and after discussing enough on their forums, I just realised that it is dead, as I hear some inside detail from staff. And as soon as I gather money to purchase the Pro year membership, I will buy GameSalad. But still anyways, GameSalad Rocks! Let's interpolate together.(btw english is not my first language)
Big kid here that plays Battlefield. ** Waves **