Chartboost error
Hey @Dan_Chartboost, I am unable to log into my Chartboost account. I had a download spike yesterday and I think your system locked me out. I've had this issue before. I've contacted you guys on twitter, at and through your website's contact form. I have not heard a reply. Hopefully you guys can resolve this in a timely manner because none of my apps are receiving ads at the moment.
I also sent you a direct message. I have not heard back so I have created this thread.
I have also been locked out! What is going on!?
Finally got in touch with them. They said that my issue should be resolved by the end of today.
@RabidParrot can I ask how you got in touch with them and what the issue was? Seems I have the same one.
Oh I've done the same. Sounded like you had them on the phone. Oh well. Thanks
I tried their number on Facebook but it is disconnected. Twitter is probably the best. @zweg25
Is your problem fixed?
They emailed me and stated that it would be fixed by the end of the day yesterday. Still locked out. Just sent them another email.
All fixed.
Still waiting to hear back...
I got the same problem with Chartboost. They locked my account and I tried emailing them back but no response for past 3 days. They said I got some unusual abnormal downloads from the same account which I have no idea about. What to do as they're not responding to my emails.
I had a similar problem. Contact them on twitter first. They will tell you to email, but they seem to be expecting your email then