GS Raises $1,000,000 in funding!
Hopefully this will speed things along nicely
Hopefully this will speed things along nicely

Also GameSalad has powered over 800 titles in the iTunes App Store including **Asplosion! HD** and **Doodle Cannon**. Thats awesome that they mentioned you guys!!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
There *had* to be another way of generating cash for GS other than relying on us guys to pay a sub once every year.
Which unfortunately could make us all less important to Gendai. As in, the price for Pro stays the same.
I think, after iAds, and as Synthesis has pointed out on a number of occasions, you can pretty much guarantee that any of the really cool features we get (GameCentre, Facebook/Twitter integration etc etc) will be Pro only to justify the price.
I just hope they don't put Pause in there...
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
They are listening to our concerns. I'm not sure what they're going to do though.
From a business perspective, I like their forum / social networking approach. Basically, they answer technical concerns quickly and openly. Political and business issues, they don't respond. They simply monitor, then make changes when they can... never directly confronting the angry mob. From a developer perspective, that's tough. The quiet communication makes it tough to plan. You have to pick up on the little details and make educated guesses. With iAds, I guessed wrong. HA HA!
I'm not sure where the return is going to be on the million dollar investment, unless they're hoping for a buyout from Google, Apple or some other company looking to get a foothold in game development. A big game company might take an interest in this too. The independent developers are going to eat their lunch. I consider this like file sharing to the music industry, except GameSalad is legal.
Now, go get some qualified people and put in pause, social networking features/online multiplayer/server capability, camera / clock / microphone / proximity sensor / gyro / flash LED / iPod library access, arrays and database support, universal binary, push notifications, native XCode output or insertable modules, custom fonts, speech synthesis, sprite sheets, video playback, Windows port for Creator, Windows Internet Explorer/Firefox plug-in, anti-piracy measures, in-app purchasing, full string manipulation, parent/child actors, pivot points, polygon-shaped collisions, among a few other things...
You could also be nice and upgrade every Express user up until today to Pro.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Cheers, Weswog
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
There were instant good and bads.
The news spread like wild fire and every one wanted to do business with us.
The bad was that things really had to tigthen up and we were eventually given a board of directors and all the fun and life was sucked out of our company. Eventually they replaced everyone with big wigs. Gave us our stock options and sent us packing.
For the consumer it can't be anything but good though as companies won't invest if they don't think you aren't exceptional. Obviously gender has huge plans.
Does anyone else get the sense that Gendai isn't cool with mixing "Business" with, um, "business"... ;-)
I've seen what happened with other game companies, so there is reason for concern. Yet, maybe this investment just gives Gendai Games the ability to get work done. They're building a good product already. With more resources it should be amazing.