The game sometimes unexpectedly quit.

WeiyuWeiyu Member Posts: 216

Hello everyone! I have a question about unexpectedly quit.
Some reviews complained this problem (by android).

They sometimes unexpectedly quit when they open or playing my game.

Most of users who app unexpectedly quit, their phone are sony xperia XA .
Are there any relations to these two things?

Of course other types also have the problem.(a little bit)

Does anyone meet the same situation?


  • IceboxIcebox Member Posts: 1,485
    edited July 2017

    Android gamesalad games have many bugs , chartboost bug , loading screen bug , crashing on some devices , screen orientation bug on galaxy s7 and s8 , jittering and lag on some android devices , the sound delay ( which is not even considered a bug) . Dont expect anything soon cause they are busy making the webtool and god knows when they will look into android again. You can contact support and tell them but im sure the only answer youll get is " we couldnt reproduce the bug" . They are not to blame though and this isnt me ranting. These bugs dont always show on all devices which makes them really hard to find. Android games usually give developers trouble not only with gamesalad but on many other game engines. I hope they look into it as soon as theyr done with the webtool.

  • DaddyMagicDaddyMagic Member Posts: 34
    edited July 2017

    wow that's disappointing and not the first time I've read, it's also why I'm activity learning other game engines and that's sad because GS is really nice but I have to have a backup plan if they want to continue digging their grave.

  • birdboybirdboy Member Posts: 284
    edited July 2017

    Let alone the fact that we have no freaking support for Google Play Services. :angry:

    Android needs some love, there are way too many problems with Android games made in GS right now.

  • IceboxIcebox Member Posts: 1,485
    edited July 2017

    @DaddyMagic said:
    wow that's disappointing and not the first time I've read, it's also why I'm activity learning other game engines and that's sad because GS is really nice but I have to have a backup plan if they want to continue digging their grave.

    They are not digging their grave , they are actually solving everything by building the new tool , future will be great ( if what they said is true ) . Quick updates/features and possible windows exe export , so a new market would open up for us . Mac/Windows performance is outstanding with GS , along with controller support( which is available at the moment ) you can really come up with quality games without worrying too much about performance issues . It will just need patience.

    I actually bought/downloaded 4 different engines and each one had its own flaws . I paid for an engine that cant even run 40 fps on a galaxy s7 with only 3 objects on the scene.
    If i plan on changing the engine ill learn to code , other than that im sticking with GS cause its really fun , quick and powerful.

  • DaddyMagicDaddyMagic Member Posts: 34
    edited July 2017

    Well that's good news I hope they give us an update soon on their progress. Monthly updates would be a good idea. I like GS alot too and though i have just started again I've been lurking around for almost 3 years. Look forward to finally getting something accomplished soon. We do have a good community here and sounds like the new version of GS will solve the above posted android issues!

  • WeiyuWeiyu Member Posts: 216

    @Icebox That's a good news. I'm also hope this is true. :)

  • WeiyuWeiyu Member Posts: 216

    So now, does Gamesalad or anyone have other idea for solving this problem?
    I really irritated in this problem... :(
    Many Android customers complain of app unexpectedly quit.

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