Certificate chain not found

DecburnsDecburns Member, PRO Posts: 6

Hi everyone, I'm having trouble updating my game, more spefically, when I try to sign a new apk with the existing keystore I get the following error message:

Jarsigner: Certificate chain not found for game. game must reference a valid keystoore entry containing a private key and corresponding public key certificate chain

If anyone knows how to fix this, it would be much appreciated, ive had trouble with the whole apk signing process already and had to depublish an app due to it, but Ive followed the game salad instructions exactly for it and still having trouble. Im using windows if that makes a difference

Thanks in advance


  • DecburnsDecburns Member, PRO Posts: 6

    Any body with any feedback on this? As Ill be trying to update again soon, but feel i may have to generate a new keystore and would like to ensure this doesnt happen again.


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