Where are my Pro features?

HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I paid the 99 dollars. My GS is still not pro.
Waiting for explanation.


  • EminemEminem Member Posts: 667
    lol Hunnenkoenig your too funny!
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Hunnenkoenig said:
    I paid the 99 dollars. My GS is still not pro.
    Waiting for explanation.

    These guys aren't crooks. We'll get our pro (I'm waiting too)

    It would be REALLY nice to see a a head chef start a thread on all of this!
  • alcamiealcamie Member Posts: 53
    Yep. I'm waiting for my pro too.

    And to be able to publish to iOS devices too.

  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    Guys, they are obviously trying to fix all the issues people have reported. Unless you have used the contact page below, they probably don't know you are having an issue.
    They are doing more important things than reading these pages
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    What if they obviously sitting under palms drinking pina colada?

    Assuming, they are working is not enough.

    If they don't read the forums, why would they read emails?

    Fanboys and their excuses are always funny.
  • DimensionGamesDimensionGames PRO Posts: 993
    Hunnenkoenig said:
    What if they obviously sitting under palms drinking pina colada?

    Assuming, they are working is not enough.

    If they don't read the forums, why would they read emails?

    Fanboys and their excuses are always funny.

    Just because they got a million in funding doesn't mean they can do that...the burn rate for paying all the staff im sure will be only a few months.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    I'm not a fanboy. I'm not giving excuses. Im assuming the contact us forum sends emails to the people involved. Why would they be browsing the web when working even if it is their own webforum.

    Have you ever liked the product? Cause all I ever see you do is bitch, if it's not one thing it's something else
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    I love Hunnenkoenig's criticisms! It's nice to see someone always fully expressing themselves! Although sometimes he could spare positive comment about GS! ;)
  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    Hunn is the best... :)
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    giacomopoppi said:
    Although sometimes he could spare positive comment about GS! ;)

    I do.
    I was the first, who posted about speed increase.
    If nobody reads it, that's another problem, but surely not mine.

    If they deserve a positive thing, they will get it. Until they do everything wrong, they won't get it.

    I am not the one, who will kiss their arses. I don't like people either, who try to kiss mine.
    (generally spoken. Not in relation with this topic)
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    Hey did I miss out on some Arse kissing.....

    Damn it...I'm always late.

    (Awaiting my Pro status too)
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173

    It would be a cool piece of software, if it would work.
    This place would be a cool place, if the devs would care.

    I have hopes and that's why I still check the forums and the updates, but unfortunately I always get disappointed.

    If they took it seriously, then it could have more likes than dislikes.
    At the moment it's the other way. Sorry.

    And now you wonder, why I come here and tell them, what I tell.

    Because if I don't tell it, nobody will, and then they think, it's everything right the way, how and what they do. It's not.

    And maybe you won't believe me, but always praising them, how cool and nice they are, even if they are not, will not help anybody. For sure not for them.

    So you can see, I CARE. They don't. Not about me and not about you or anybody else. That is the difference.
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    Ah btw: I also like to be the troll :-P
    I get banned on every forum at least once :-D


    Oh and another thing: If they would communicate, I could discuss with them in a human way. Until they play arrogant, they have to take my sarcastic and cinical approach...
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    Hey tshirt, sorry to change the subject a second... how is GSHelper.com coming along? Is it going to be incorporated in the gamesalad website?
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    cool! missed that post ;)
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    Back to the subject.
    Has anyone got access to pro features yet?
  • VoidedSkyVoidedSky Member Posts: 1,095
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Yeah, they really need to step it up and communicate with the community. It's like rubbing salt on an already open wound. C'mon Gamesalad!
  • dotsonj23dotsonj23 Member Posts: 316
    They said to e-mail them at support rather than post about this issue and they would take care of it one by one. But I have sent several e-mails and narry a word or a change. This is week. Since I paid for Pro am I not supposed to get quicker service. I believe that is part of the terms. I am feeling ripped off. It wouldn't be so bad if they would just post and tell us what the deal is, but as it is they do nothing and I mean nothing since I have also tried the e-mail route. Don't tell me to e-mail if you don't mean it. FYI... I love GS and the new stability etc... so I am not a hater. But I do want what I pay for (and the means service and pro features).
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    Guys, it's weekend, maybe they have taken a day off.

    Tshirt do you have the professional membership active?
  • robzrobz Member Posts: 50
    There is obviously a problem with the pro upgrade, however i think concentrating on fixing one account and using the same process on others will be quicker then trying to do them all at the same time.

    I wish it was my account !
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    giacomopoppi said:
    Guys, it's weekend, maybe they have taken a day off.

    If you want to do a serious PAID business, you have NO WEEKEND. Period.

    I run promo dispenser for free, and I just answered at least 10 support emails in the last hour.
  • dotsonj23dotsonj23 Member Posts: 316
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    @dotsonj23 Loads of people on the forums were rushing GS to release the update, so they did even though it had not been planned through/organised.
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    giacomo> seriously, when do you realize, that you are ridiculous defending them.

    It is a state of denial, what you do. Even if you feel, it's wrong, you seek for excuses instead of accepting the fact, that they are messed up, like always.

    And no, I don't have the feeling, that they rushed it just because of us, but you are right. It's unorganized and amateurish.
  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    @Robz, @dotsonj23, @giacomopoppi you should be getting responses through support.
  • dotsonj23dotsonj23 Member Posts: 316
    giacomopoppi said:
    @dotsonj23 Loads of people on the forums were rushing GS to release the update, so they did even though it had not been planned through/organised.

    That is like saying people were screaming for Ford to release a car, so the did, but it did not work so its the people's fault. It doesn't matter. They chose to release, not us. If I pay for something, it should at least work (even with bugs). The fact is PRO does not work at all. FYI.. I am not a hater. I Love GS and the new updated items. I hate the lack of communication. They need to do a post on what is going on and when it will be fixed.
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    Codemonkey you are living the dream, aren't you?

    What do you smoke? I want to try it too :-P
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    @Hunnenkoenig I realise they have messed up a bit, but it is still a good update and i think you have to give them a chance to fix it.

    Unfortunately the lack of communication on the forums is unexcusable, even though they have been replying to me through the customer service (email).

    I'd say give them a week before starting to get angry :)
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