Where are my Pro features?



  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    It does mention in the main 9.0 release that they are having problems with the server and it should be fixed by the end of the weekend.
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    @CodeMonkey the last mail i recieved was from you, saying that i would be contacted. No news since then? :D
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    They don't give me a week with payment either.

    Don't you think, you see the case pretty one sided?

    You want me to forgive them everything, while I get nothing in exchange.
    And no, the new features are not a topic for discussion. They offered it, I paid it, I never received it. Who gave whom more?
  • giacomopoppigiacomopoppi Member, PRO Posts: 914
    @Hunnenkoenig Yeah, you are right about that. :)
  • dotsonj23dotsonj23 Member Posts: 316
    CodeMonkey said:
    @Robz, @dotsonj23, @giacomopoppi you should be getting responses through support.

    Thanks CodeMonkey. I got my response e-mail. Still not fixed but at least I know its being worked on. I love the product by the way. And you are always great.
  • robzrobz Member Posts: 50
    CodeMonkey said:
    @Robz, @dotsonj23, @giacomopoppi you should be getting responses through support.

    Yes i am receiving responses from support, Also nice to see it been worked on (dotsonj23)
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    Ah now I get it.

    Guys! I understand their politics.

    To justify the PRO price, they won't tell anything on the forum. Probably they think "even if we messed up, they should kick the bucket if they don't pay".

    Really cool attitude. They are too stupid to understand, that it's more work for them to answer every single mail (I mean theoretically, because it won't happen... at least I am sure, they never will answer my emails :-P), than post a frickin sticky and chill.

    Now I think I will mass post them every 15 minutes with every little crap. Let's see, how long they stand it :-P
  • dotsonj23dotsonj23 Member Posts: 316
    tshirtbooth said:
    just by chance make sure your log out and in to the GS creater a few times to be sure then hit gamesaad at the top and hit about and see if it says PRO

    Yeah tried that. Still says Express. But they also sent me an e-mail that I posted as a Pho Sticky that says there is a problem with all new Pro accounts that they are looking into.
  • dotsonj23dotsonj23 Member Posts: 316
    Hunnenkoenig said:
    Ah now I get it.

    Guys! I understand their politics.

    To justify the PRO price, they won't tell anything on the forum. Probably they think "even if we messed up, they should kick the bucket if they don't pay".

    Your logic is a little flawed. The only people that care about this issue is the people that have paid. If you did not upgrade you don't care. Thus, not posting a sticky on this does not mean they are trying to throw the people that are not paying under the bus. What it appears is that they are throwing everyone under the bus. LOL.
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    I don't get the tone. I upgraded to Professional... I'm still without access to the new behaviors... I'm not staging a riot. It is the weekend and the GameSalad team is still working.

    What's the end game with insulting the GameSalad team? It's not productive. You can point out problems without being so harsh.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    Everyone who is bitching, did you at least email support or are you stomping your feet here with even asking for help,
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    Photics said:
    I don't get the tone. I upgraded to Professional... I'm still without access to the new behaviors... I'm not staging a riot. It is the weekend and the GameSalad team is still working.

    What's the end game with insulting the GameSalad team? It's not productive. You can point out problems without being so harsh.

    These are the same people that were complaining the release didn't come out 2 weeks ago. They like to complain
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    Yeah, I understood that I paid for a beta product currently and can accept that there are issues, as long as they are working to fix them, I'm good. Going on about it will not get it done any faster.
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    jonmulcahy said:
    These are the same people that were complaining the release didn't come out 2 weeks ago. They like to complain

    I don't remember ever asking for the update. I was checking the forum frequently if it's there, but I didn't complain about it, not with a single word.
  • StusAppsStusApps Member, PRO Posts: 1,352
    So I assume I have to post to this thread a few times before my support tickets get answered. I accepted that it might take time to update in the server, but learning it is yet another f@ck up is sadly not a surprise. Once you realized you have this problem and everyones taken the weekend off then close the upgrade servers until you fix it!!! As someone mentioned before, what kind of business releases a paid option that doesn't work and then takes the first two days of release off. Sorry I'm not singing the praises of GS but seriously guys, this is a business with paying customers, start treating it like one.
  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    Okay. Servers should be updated now. Sorry for the delay. Thanks for the use cases to help us find the source of the problem.
  • magic101himagic101hi Member Posts: 713
    yay update
  • BoKiBoKi Member Posts: 45
  • 777ideas.com777ideas.com Member, PRO Posts: 895
    CodeMonkey said:
    Okay. Servers should be updated now. Sorry for the delay. Thanks for the use cases to help us find the source of the problem.

    Code Monkey ,, I NEED HELP WITH MY PRO ACCOUNT PLEASE, I tried to use the contact us to contact support but it wont work it says invalid email address, can I have your support e-mail so I can e-mail you.
  • GameSaladGameSalad Key Master, Member Posts: 33
    support at gamesalad.com
  • 777ideas.com777ideas.com Member, PRO Posts: 895
    Okay Im e-mailing now
  • 777ideas.com777ideas.com Member, PRO Posts: 895
    GameSalad said:
    support at gamesalad.com

    You guys are still open
  • HeyFriesHeyFries Member Posts: 78
    I'm copying this again... hoping to be heard.
    "I paid for an upgrade to Pro membership almost 4 days ago. I've logged out and logged back in my account several times as suggested here, but my GS creator is still in Express. I looked at GamesSalad>About GameSalad several times, and no 'Pro Behaviours' folder either. I've been trying to contact the GS team without any success so far. I'd really like to work with the Professional version ASAP!!"
  • paulitsmepaulitsme Member Posts: 109
    Still no pro here either. It would have been quicker for them to ship it on CD.
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