GameSalad Accelerator - Take Your Game Design Career to a Whole New Level

Hey, everybody!
Since we debuted our "Free to Make" model on Saturday, we've been getting questions about our publishing plans if we were still interested in acting as publisher on some titles. Absolutely.
Today, we’re officially launching a new publishing option called GameSalad Accelerator. The primary goal of Accelerator is to bring top development talent from the GameSalad community together with established brands in order to create exciting, innovative games for iOS devices. At launch, we’ve assembled a list of partners that includes R.R. Kidz, headed by Levar Burton, Famigo Games, and Boom! Studios.
“GameSalad Accelerator is about bringing together indie talent and established market presence,” said GameSalad CEO Steve Felter. “We’ve lined up an exciting team of partners for the launch of this one-of-a-kind program.”
Concurrently, GameSalad and Boom! Studios is pleased to announce the release of Stan Lee’s The Traveler in Split Second Mayhem, the premiere title of the Accelerator program. Split Second Mayhem was produced as a collaborative effort by Boom! Studios, GameSalad and POW! Entertainment, developed by D7 Studios, and published through GameSalad Accelerator.
“Stan Lee is the gold standard in the comics world,” Steve Felter said. “And Boom! Studios has been on the forefront of bringing comics into the digital arena. We couldn’t be more thrilled with this partnership.”
A lite version of Stan Lee’s The Traveler in Split Second Mayhem is live on the App Store and available now! The full, paid version of the app will be available soon.
But, wait! There’s more...
In addition, GameSalad will also allow independent GameSalad developers to submit their own original titles for publishing under the Accelerator brand. Select titles that have applied for publishing will be reviewed and invited to participate in the program.
“Some people just want to make great games. They don’t want to deal with marketing, P.R., or the business side of the industry.” said Michael Agustin, Chief Product Officer at GameSalad. “Accelerator allows independent developers a great chance to get their games published and a new way to establish themselves as top-notch game designers.”
GameSalad developers interested in applying for the Accelerator program can contact us through the GameSalad Accelerator homepage, launching today.
What should you check out now? Mahalo.
Since we debuted our "Free to Make" model on Saturday, we've been getting questions about our publishing plans if we were still interested in acting as publisher on some titles. Absolutely.
Today, we’re officially launching a new publishing option called GameSalad Accelerator. The primary goal of Accelerator is to bring top development talent from the GameSalad community together with established brands in order to create exciting, innovative games for iOS devices. At launch, we’ve assembled a list of partners that includes R.R. Kidz, headed by Levar Burton, Famigo Games, and Boom! Studios.
“GameSalad Accelerator is about bringing together indie talent and established market presence,” said GameSalad CEO Steve Felter. “We’ve lined up an exciting team of partners for the launch of this one-of-a-kind program.”
Concurrently, GameSalad and Boom! Studios is pleased to announce the release of Stan Lee’s The Traveler in Split Second Mayhem, the premiere title of the Accelerator program. Split Second Mayhem was produced as a collaborative effort by Boom! Studios, GameSalad and POW! Entertainment, developed by D7 Studios, and published through GameSalad Accelerator.
“Stan Lee is the gold standard in the comics world,” Steve Felter said. “And Boom! Studios has been on the forefront of bringing comics into the digital arena. We couldn’t be more thrilled with this partnership.”
A lite version of Stan Lee’s The Traveler in Split Second Mayhem is live on the App Store and available now! The full, paid version of the app will be available soon.
But, wait! There’s more...
In addition, GameSalad will also allow independent GameSalad developers to submit their own original titles for publishing under the Accelerator brand. Select titles that have applied for publishing will be reviewed and invited to participate in the program.
“Some people just want to make great games. They don’t want to deal with marketing, P.R., or the business side of the industry.” said Michael Agustin, Chief Product Officer at GameSalad. “Accelerator allows independent developers a great chance to get their games published and a new way to establish themselves as top-notch game designers.”
GameSalad developers interested in applying for the Accelerator program can contact us through the GameSalad Accelerator homepage, launching today.
What should you check out now? Mahalo.
Acting as agent between developers and interested brands... I think it has merit. Well done GameSalad, I think youve got one right this time
Im assuming theres obviously some level of quality required for submitted apps to be published through GameSalad. For everyones sake I do hope so
We're still finalizing terms for the Accelerator program, but those should be ready very soon.
Original titles submitted for publishing through GameSalad Accelerator will be reviewed and invited to participate in the program.
- Yodapollo
Also -this might come out a bit wrong sounding, but....I noticed that your partners all seem oriented to publishing family/kids games (am I correct there?) Will you be partnering with other companies that would take on more "serious" games?
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
If a game is accepted under Accelerator, it would be published under GameSalad. Also, we're in talks with a slew of other brands, some which will be very exciting to game lovers. We just aren't in a place to announce those other brands yet.
- Yodapollo
If I participate in this program do I have access to Iads and other things?
I can't find anything about it on Google.
And Levar Burton as Jordie LaForge from ST?
Why would he want to do anything with gamesalad?
I think this is a cool idea.
GS apps need to run much better than this. Especially those that should be considered the cream of the crop accelerator games.
The reviews said "it is like somebody would have scanned a few images." And they are right. It looks exactly like this.
If you want to make ebooks, use iBook and the ePub format.
I made my book in ePub too, but I can't publish it, because it is in hungarian and there is no hungarian iBook store and apple doesn't allow to publish books in hungarian (as there were no hungarians outside of hungary.... apple's idiotism is killing me).
Now we will develop our own eBook reader and start to publish hungarian books.
With the ePub format you have many many more features and looks 100 times better, than with gamesalad.
And to be honest, with gamesalad it was a pain to manage the 9 pages book. How do you want to manage a 200 pages novell?
Problem #1 - It's a separate faction of the iTunes market.
Problem #2 - ISBNs can be cumbersome. It's like a fee for each book. I am thinking of going with this route. If I can make my books as apps, then I can target the book section of the iTunes App store. I'm not aiming to create a 200 page novel. My next project is something of a children's book. The ePub format doesn't support iAds. Interactivity is not as robust. True, I could do things like video with an ePub, but layout is not as precise as an app. There's more control.
I think GameSalad would work for creating the digital version of a pop-up book or an interactive book.
I think your comments are valid. Performance and look are a concern. Yet, I think GameSald can still be used to make a book.
Did you see this...
It's like a 2 1/2 dimension look. GameSalad can totally pull that off. Before ArenaNet released those videos, I was playing with Anime Studio, same general idea. And before that, it was Flash. With cut-out images, voice overs and background music, I think the storytelling is much more powerful than just a regular book. I don't think ePub could do that... not with interactivity.
If you want to make interactive books, it is sure better with GS.
I don't know, if GS could handle it, if you wanted to nearly look like those arenanet videos though :-P
For regular books ePub is better.
btw: I get ISBN numbers for free per email from the hungarian authority within 24 hours.
I don't know, why you US people are always so scared off by those numbers...
I just don't understand, why US people always see such a bing thing in an ISBN number.
Do you have to pay for it?
Maybe it is handled differently in the US, I don't know.
Maybe you try to get it from an "agent" instead of the official authority.
I don't think, it should be a big issue to get those ISBN numbers.
I tested out the iBookstore and it didn't really make sense to me. It's fragmentation. There is a books section in the App Store. Every iOS device should have access to the App Store, but not every iOS device has access to the iBookstore. The iBooks app is needed first. It's not that intuitive to go into iBooks, and then click the store button. If you don't have iBooks, you don't have the link to access the store. Direct links to products are not possible, not like an App.
With iBooks it's a smaller market and harder marketing. I think it's much better to convert an ePub book into an app. Although, that has been a tough problem for me. That's why I think GameSalad could be useful. It has iAds, so I could certainly make free comic books or interactive novels.
That seems to be an issue.
But I also tink, people, who are interested in reading books, are aware of iBooks.
Apple just should make the book section of the appstore only for ebooks, which can be downloaded and synced into the ibook app or any other ebook reader.
I would choose rather the official iBooks to read books, than amazons kindle or the hundreds of other ebook readers.
Apple just missed the right time and was not thinking hard enough, when they developed the appstore.
I don't know, what they were thinking...
Anyway... for interactive books it is for sure better to have the appstore.
I still would make an app, which can handle all your books in one, so people doesn't have to use icon space on their phone.
We plan to make an app, where you can buy the books with inapp purchase.
If you want to release your books not having to pay for the ISBN number, I can publish it for you :-)
We normally take 10% of the net revenue if it is over $1000 for the month and 2% for expenses.
If you think, your book will sell good, it's still better to pay that ISBN number :-P
btw I think, taking money for that ISBN is a rip off...
What if people make a 1 level demo and a description of their game and email it to an email address provided by GS. They can review the demo and let you know if they are interested to publish.
Tshirtbooth has a game published under the GameSalad banner, where's the problem? Since the GameSalad team is choosing which developers to work with, isn't this just a matter of emailing a project file? You have talent. It certainly seems like an interesting offer. However, I think I might have resolved the problem. I simply made an app version of The Unofficial GameSalad Textbook.
It would be better to simply upload an ePub to the app store, where it would automatically be placed into iBooks. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. So, I converted the book to an app. Apple rejected a previous attempt, so I worked harder on this version. I made it with Xcode.
I'm just curious how this program is going since I know everyone was sort of against the publishing side of GS but I am honestly interested in seeing how this partnership transpires and hopefully it is win-win for both sides.
With the free versions of Arcade Action and Annoyed Tomatoes launching the day after after Mini Cannon, I was watching the iTunes Store closely at the time. While checking the listing for my apps, I realized that Mini Cannon got hit with a terrible disadvantage. The "Release Date" didn't seem to be working properly on December 15, 2010 — the day Mini Cannon launched. It didn't update on that day. That's bad!
I remember getting really frustrated that my apps weren't displaying properly in the "Release Date" section. The newest apps were from December 14.
That's what's frustrating with App Development. Tshirtbooth was working on this project for months. The GameSalad team got involved too. Yet, something out of their control hindered the success of the app.
I also realized something... Christmas might not be a good time for an independent game developer to release a game. There's so much competition. It's hard to get noticed. With EA charging 99¢ for many of their games, Angry Birds wearing festive hats... and even a lite version of Fruit Ninja... the players are busy with mainstream games. Plus, the press is overwhelmed. If they're not thinking about their vacation, they're getting bombarded with other game companies vying for attention.