★★★ SALE: Platform Template Now Only £7 ★★★



  • MLCinemaMLCinema Member Posts: 133
    utopiangames said:
    You can add any character you want very easy, see RW's platform game it's almost the same code.


    This is great. Thank you.
  • gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598
    MLCinema said:
    No no that's not what I'm asking. This is a great start for a lot of people, but if there are 20 new platformers with balls as characters that would be funny. This is a lot of hard work for Darren of Utopian Games, and he is very nice to sell it to us, i just don't want to see a bunch of platformers that look the same.

    Sorry, got the wrong end of the stick again! On the subject of the platformers all looking the same from Darren's template, hopefully the graphics, different from everyone, will make a lot of difference; plus I'm sure people will modify placement and size of platforms, how many baddies, etc, etc. Let's hope so, anyhow!


    ""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork        temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692

    Included spring platforms, movable blocks, switches, laser beams ohh and a cool ski lift mech :)

  • SylonSylon Member Posts: 31
    Looking awesome Darren! These updates are coming nice and fast, i'm going to wait a few more versions before I start working on my games code (Doing all the art first), you keep getting a better and better version out (Not complaining :P)
  • LAdrianLAdrian Member Posts: 237
    Looks very good Darren ;)
  • debugdesigndebugdesign Member Posts: 886
    It would go great with a graphics pack ;)

    - http://gamesalad.com/forums/topic.php?id=14087
  • JackBQuickJackBQuick Member Posts: 524
    Love the ski lift! Very appropriate this time of year :)
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    You can also use the same ski lift code for death slide or traversing across dangerous areas or maybe a pole you climb or maybe even a cannon that fires you across to another area?

    Lots of options.

    Ian's platform pack would fit perfect with this template.

  • TwistedMechTwistedMech Member Posts: 408
    I have not had a chance to play with the template and would like to know if you are going to plan any more updates before the end of this year? It would be really good if it had a feature where you could be under a block and jump to hit the block above X amount of times before it is destroyed ( Mario :-) )
  • ancchancch Member, PRO Posts: 103
    Utopiangames: I like bumps but sometimes I find that the actors are not sensitive to touch and I find it difficult to move them around. Just some feedback.
  • MLCinemaMLCinema Member Posts: 133
    Utopiangames - How about a canon? We all love to shoot our characters across the screen!
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    ancch said:
    Utopiangames: I like bumps but sometimes I find that the actors are not sensitive to touch and I find it difficult to move them around. Just some feedback.

    Have you got zoom on in Bumps? this is the main reason we added it because the Bumps are small.

    Yes a mario hit under block is on the list and i can do a cannon too.:)

    EDIT: added the mario block that spawns a coin to collect.

  • TwistedMechTwistedMech Member Posts: 408
    nice one Darren. lets see another video when you get the next release ready. :-)
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    A zoom in so you can get extra close on tricky parts would be cool, on the flip side, a zoom out so you can see more of where you are heading would also be great. Maybe when you zoom out though you cannot move, you can use it just as a reference.
  • TwistedMechTwistedMech Member Posts: 408
    the zoom would be really good and to be able to still click on the buttons when zoomed in/out :-)
  • MLCinemaMLCinema Member Posts: 133
    MLCinema said:
    Utopiangames - How about a canon? We all love to shoot our characters across the screen!

    OOPS...I mean Cannon.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    I have some free time atm so i will be working on the template over the next few days then sending you all an update.

  • gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598
    Hi guys, thought you might be interested in the platform game i'm working on, based on Darren's excellent template. Got to replace the controls with my own graphics, add lives as well as a scoring system to the HUD. It's the first steps, anyhow; hope you like the look of it.

    It's based on a game I made in another game engine a few years ago now. This version is called Glub and the Organitron Caves (possibly a working title!) for the iPad. Also, I haven't abandoned my adventure game, no way, I'm still working on that in tandem with this.


    ""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork        temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps

  • nermionnermion Member Posts: 2
    hi, looking good, I will be buying this. Can you give me instructions how to buy it? Do you have a webpage? Can you show some videos how you construct the level and add different elements you have in the videos you have showed. Are there any restrictions on level size, will bigger level slow down everything, etc.. If you could provide more info about this it would be great! :)
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Hi Nermion,

    Pop me an email: toyboxuk[at]hotmail.com

    Looking good btw gyroscope!!!

  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    If you havent already done so maybe some simple moving platforms would be neat

    I plan on buying it really soon :)
  • nermionnermion Member Posts: 2
    email sent, thx :)
  • MLCinemaMLCinema Member Posts: 133
    Ummm...Parallax background? Level select? Shrinking and growing your main actor?

    Just thoughts.

  • juzcookjuzcook Member Posts: 259
    parallax background would be cool to see and then id probably buy it. the reason is for a paltformer you dont want the background to move just because the player moves, you want it to move with the camera. i have an idea that might work, but im taking a small break from gs for a few weeks :)
  • MLCinemaMLCinema Member Posts: 133
    juzcook said:
    parallax background would be cool to see and then id probably buy it. the reason is for a paltformer you dont want the background to move just because the player moves, you want it to move with the camera. i have an idea that might work, but im taking a small break from gs for a few weeks :)

    That makes since for the parallax background. I learn something new all the time. Thank you.
  • TwistedMechTwistedMech Member Posts: 408
    I agree it would make a big difference for a moving background to be in scene. Give that 3d look.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Added Parallax to the template.

    I would probably advise against using a tiled 480 piece because of the tear you can see when wrapped but one option would be to overlap the BG actors slightly to hide the infamous tear.

    If you have a 1880 scene and change the size of the parallax bg actor to 1880 and select tile in the graphic area it doesn't seem to wrap properly.

    You could do mario type BG actors to scroll that would work well.

    I will be forwarding the new version on 2morro night when i have added some more stuff to it.

  • SylonSylon Member Posts: 31
    Darren quick question, are you just adding features or are you making sure the framerate stays optimized as well?

    I love all these features you're adding but I fear it could get bloated or is it just to add so we can pick and chose and worry about optimization ourselves?
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Yes i want to add as many as i can and let you guys pick what you need.

    My test scene has ALL the various platforms i have made (some more power sucking than others) and it runs at 35-40 fps atm on a 2nd gen touch.

    Of course i have made these to be as optimized as i can but you will need to keep an eye on your own project.

    My artist has kindly offered to make some simple art so it will look a lot better soon and i will ask my musician to chip in with some sounds too by the time it hits 1.0.

    I also plan on making a tutorial video about all the various elements so people understand how to change things if they need to.

  • digletodigleto Member Posts: 76
    Wow this looks amazing. Great job Darren :)
    I may have to buy it depending on how my first game turns out (That is if I ever finish it)
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