Whats everyone working on?
The forums seem to be silent these days, so is everyone hard at work on their new games? Whats everyone working on?
Please post images, put up vids, teasers of your new game,etc. I am really interested in seeing what fellow GS users are up to these days
Please post images, put up vids, teasers of your new game,etc. I am really interested in seeing what fellow GS users are up to these days

I put this together yesterday and this morning, im trying to think of ideas to make it stand out and be original
2) The next "cut the rope"
- Alex
I'm going to start working on an iPad version, and put links to Pocket Bomb in my free apps now that I have pro.
How bout you arton?
I'm sure you've already thought of it, but if you use some unmovable blocks the player will have to 'think round them' using the moveable blocks you've got in your vid.
Get the first level working fine, and the scoring/progress system in place, and you have the start of a 100+level puzzle game
I'm working on about five or six things at the moment - the closest to release is 'Disco Farm', and you can see a quick screenshot here:
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Also still working on the psuedo 3d game I also posted a vid of here a while ago.
Heres the first one. Its something very similar to monkey preschool lunchbox but with a underwater theme. That white actor you see at the bottom left will be a treasure chest taking in all of the fish once they're clicked and the level is complete. Next to the treasure chest will be a really cute animated character guiding the user through the game. This game will be a $2000 investment when its done, its still in pretty early stages as you can see from all of the temporary actors and images up there.
My next project Jungle Bug i am saving for when GS comes out with leaderboards and a pause feature, as well as memory improvements. I am experimenting with this a bit now but not touching it too much quite yet
@John, looks like a great concept. When the ball goes through the long actor i think you should be able to see it moving through it rather then just seeing it come from the opposite side instantly. But I think you're on the right track
(pay no attention to the bright numbers on the planet image, those are for development purposes.)
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Its a stickman platform adventure in the style of indiana jones. It will cover around 5 countries over 20-25 levels. At the moment Im just trying to get the first five levels fully completed to see if its working well!
The game will feature trap doors, boulder chases, mine carts, puzzles etc!
I haven't finished the button icons, hence why they look a bit ropey and one is still the template button.
@bgapps, can't wait to see your app come to life!
@sparkyidr, i remember seeing your game, it looked awesome! Can't wait to buy it
@gamersrejoice, Stunning graphics!
And after messing around with it some more, i got it to travel threw the pipes like you said perfectly
Everyones games are looking great and cant wait to see how they progress.
During this xmas break i have managed to submit Crossbar Challenge! and also release a separate version of a few of my games with iAds enabled. I have another game which i dont have the title to yet almost complete, the levels are done, just waiting to hear back from Ian at Debug to do some art. I also have rgress on my big sci fi game i've been working on but thats not ready to show yet
Be sure to switch the vid to 480 for better quality;
It's basically a guy with a rocket pack flying around, shooting enemies, avoiding stuff that will kill him, you get the idea
Hey arton , heres a video of what i fixed. Its not perfect right now, the object is bigger then the pipe and sometimes it goes off track a little, but im getting that dialed in now. This is just so you get the idea. If gonna have the object probably a small marble, then the pipe graphics will be outlines with transparent insides, so you see the marble roll threw like above
I've managed to get all the player behaviours and animations to work amazingly though, but I'm having some trouble programming the enemy AI myself
Looked up at some of the other games, you guys are working on! Awesome job! I wish I had that kind of ambition.
We should really keep this thread going, its very inspirational!
I'll post some screens when I'm ready, it's still too 'alpha' for my liking
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