Interested in a Canabalt like template?
I have worked on a template of a Canabalt like game.
It doesn't spawn anything to work, it recycles everything and so it runs pretty smooth.
For now it features different kind of image depending if it's the first or the last or the middle block of a path (each one can be randomized too); possibility to choose the max or min path possible (as of now it is set to at least 3 blocks and max 7); the more you keep the touch pressed, the more the little guy jump; possibility to choose and change the speed during game and finally you can choose how much of a difference there can be between a set of blocks and another one, both vertically and horizzontaly.
There are some things that needs to be polished up, and I have to comment every part of the proj to make it fully understandable. I have to make at least a video to show it too. And I'd like to put at least the sprites of the little guy, as of now it's all a big white block world :P.
Before doing so though, I'd like to know if there are people interested. I'd ideally sell it at 40$ with future updates free. I'm working a lot as of now, and if there's no hurry, I'll just leave it there for now. If there are people interested I should do it for the next 24-36h.
It doesn't spawn anything to work, it recycles everything and so it runs pretty smooth.
For now it features different kind of image depending if it's the first or the last or the middle block of a path (each one can be randomized too); possibility to choose the max or min path possible (as of now it is set to at least 3 blocks and max 7); the more you keep the touch pressed, the more the little guy jump; possibility to choose and change the speed during game and finally you can choose how much of a difference there can be between a set of blocks and another one, both vertically and horizzontaly.
There are some things that needs to be polished up, and I have to comment every part of the proj to make it fully understandable. I have to make at least a video to show it too. And I'd like to put at least the sprites of the little guy, as of now it's all a big white block world :P.
Before doing so though, I'd like to know if there are people interested. I'd ideally sell it at 40$ with future updates free. I'm working a lot as of now, and if there's no hurry, I'll just leave it there for now. If there are people interested I should do it for the next 24-36h.
This is a little video showing it running on an iPod Touch 2G within the gamesalad viewer 0.9.0.
Performance are pretty good even on an old device like that, but it's not at 60fps. More like 55-58, sometimes 60.
On iphone 3GS (which I couldn't show since I actually filmed with that) it stays nicely at 60fps. There should be room for improvement though.
Now I just have to comment everything out and adjust the little guy jump, since I'm not fully checking if it can jump or not, I focused on the blocks :P.
As I already said, this template doesn't spawn anything, so you don't have to worry about memory being filled up.
For the list of features, see first post!
Thank you.
If it doesn't work then leave me a pm here
This templates should help to make games like that. Hopefully x°D
Yours is looking very good.
Im Interested!
As of now, I'm giving it the final touches, hopefully performance will be nice enough to play without problems. (I'm concerned more with 2G devices, since on my 3gs it runs smooth as silk, those 5-6 fps less on the 2g are bugging me) .I'll comment everything out in english, buuut, it's not my native language so if there's something you don't understand just mail me and I'll sort it out xD
I'm planning on doing a Corona version of it too, more for people that want to approach the platform but do not know where to start, with comments and explanation of everything that is going on. (and a running game ith corona it's in the works, so I would have done it anyway xP)
I'll email everyone who contacted me when it's ready :P
This template it's already a "demo" that you tweak and adjust at your wish to make your games, I'll post another video when I'm finished (it was a busy afternoon xD).
Basically you keep the linear Y at a given point until, for time or release of the touch, you release it and gravity kicks in.
Did a little video to show performance on an ipod touch 2G, I filmed the mac screen too to show fps and all (it's played through the gs viewer)
Features :
-possibility to set the max and min distance between a path and a new one
-possibility to set the max and min distance in height between a path and a new one (to make it always possible to jump on the new path)
-possibility to set max and min area of "spawn" of the path, meaning that you can avoid making the path go outside the screen, and make the screen size big as you like
-possibility to set the velocity of the player. In the next update, you will be able to change on the fly this setting, like when the score goes higher
-possibility to set the max and min length of the path (you can even make path made of 1 block, but that would be hard to play xD)
-possibility to have a set of graphic for the blocks in the middle of the path, and other sets for the blocks at the start and at the end of a path
Known bugs :
-sometimes it freezes with speed greater than 470 (which is already pretty fast), working on a fix
-due to gamesalad not always updating as it should, sometimes between two blocks near each other, there can be a little space like the one you often see in parallax templates and such. There's already a fix though, change a variable in the template to set how much nearer the blocks have to get (default is 10)
Next Updates :
-animation set for the player, including running, jumping, falling and "man I got a wall in the face" and some graphics to make it prettier.
-game over, meaning that you will lose
-mainly what you ask for
At 40$ with free updates
For those interested, drop me an email at hachisoft AT hotmail DOT it (replace the at and the dot @ and a . xP)
If someone is interested, a Corona version is in the works. Always at 40$ (25$ if you purchased this one), made to introduce you to Lua, with detail comments and explanation of everything that is going on.
Also, if you need a specific template, just try and ask, I don't know what I'll work on after this
I had in mind platform ( one side platforms, gravity, never fail a check to jump, walljump and such), but there's already more than one
Will you Improve it more so its more close to that game?
the template it's already like that :P What it lacks, is the ability to get different object if I'm not wrong, and probably the dynamic camera (which is easy to do anyway).
I can add that, but you could do it too easily. I wrote it to be totally indipendent, it's just two actors, the blocks and the char.
It can be done thought :P So, yeah
nice! I hope I'll get it done within a couple of days! Will be way more powerful and flexible :P Just wait
Drop me an email if you want, so I'll contact you when it's ready!
Tonight I had an illumination, changed a couple of things and now it runs smoother. I've got another idea to make it even better performance wise, but I'll have to work more on that
Aaaand, another video. Added some graphics
On 3GS it's smooth as butter
I'll soon work on death, score and highscore system, and hopefully even some enemies
"I'll soon work on death, score and highscore system, and hopefully even some enemies
That would be AWESOME.
The character already touches the ground :P It's just that the sprite wasn't made for gamesalad, but for corona, where you can set the size of the physics body. I didn't have other sprites at hand so I used these, but if you make your own sprites like you do for every gamesalad game, they touch the ground nicely :P
What kind of enemy would you like? One that float in the sky above the platform, like bats or things like that, or enemies that stays on the ground, walking or staying still?
Death, Score, Highscore and Enemines, And you will get a lot of Tamplate sales think.
Now the sprite touch the ground :P