Running Template + PACK! For Gs and Corona!

HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Ok, here we are :)
As I stated in the other topic, I'm gonna open a new one.
Basically because the template changed so much that I'd like to have a topic a little more polished and updated. Plus, there are news, so I thought it would be better :P
Ok now I've almost finished the GS version of the Running Template, it lacks 3-4 things but I'm almost there
This is the list of the features :
-Recycling of blocks. You can decide the min and max length of a path, the min and max x space between two paths, the min and max height between two paths.
-Enemy! Land enemy, walking on the paths. You can increase his randomness.
-Lifes, showing you how to deal with lifes, when those get to 0 = game over.
-Different animation for the running guy, useful in platform templates too.
-How to have a jump that increase the more you touch the screen (like in super mario games)
-How to avoid being killed by enemies by jumping on their head, resulting in a little bump if you don't press jump again, or in another big jump if you keep jump pressed (like in mario ones xP)
-How to get a score that increase over distance.
And there's a video showing everything! :) (quality is low, but should show everything smooth anyway :)

This template is for GS, but a Corona one is coming soon.
I've raised the price a little (10$), both because of the goodies that I'm going to explain soon, both because in this template went much, much, much more work than I ever thought would have. Just to say, to optimize performance, I practically redid it from scratch 3-4 times.
So, it's 50$ for this template. 50$ for the Corona one, and 80$ (-20$) if you buy both!
Plus, anyone that buy this template, will receive three other templates :P
Here they are
Shooter template, showing you how to shoot and recycle bullets (so no spawn and destroy) in every direction, rotate them towards the direction of shooting, and rotate the gun based on where you touch the screen!:

Platform template, showing you how to move left, right, jump, but more important, how to always check if the player can jump or not, meaning if the player is touching correctly the ground, and not his side or bottom (this logic can be used to kill enemy if on top of their heads or to be killed if on bottom or sides)

Grid template, showing you how to easily make a grid and placing actors in a tile of it. This use just one actor for the logics of the whole grid, plus one actor to draw the grid, but it's purely to "define" the grid visually, it would work with just the first actor.

So, as I said, it's 50$ for one version of the template (Gs or Corona) plus all those three (and more to come?) Gs templates, and 80$ for both version plus all the templates! Corona templates may come as well, depending on how busy I am :)

If interested, please contact me at (notice It, not com :P)


  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    Awesome, very nice the free templates! thanks! what are the 3-4 things missing?
    Will it be a flying enemy?
  • HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
    Yep! flying enemies, spike enemies, reset, highscore. Those are the one that comes first to my mind :)
    Plus, just wanting to say, the templates will increase, and some of them may be updated. Every time I find something nice to show, I'll do it and send it to everyone :)
    I know there's no graphics, but maybe it will be there that too :P
  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    Yeah, flying enemies, spike enemies, reset and highscore are very important.
    You know when you will have this ready? To Start working on my project and not just studying and adding test stuff to your tempaltes, Lol.
  • HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
    Wait 2-3 more days, or less :P Those are thing that really shouldn't take much time, but as I'm busy lately I don't have the time I had when I started this xD
  • HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
    And guess what guys? Already a new template :)
    CoverFlow. Pretty simple one. Obviously those are white square that display a self attribute (you can change it however you want, image and everything), didn't have time to do the graphics, as always :P
    Free for who buy and have bought :P !

    Video is still in elaboration process, should be up any minute :P
  • gazjmgazjm Member Posts: 578
    Excellent stuff! I've been Learning corona by transferring a gs game project to it. these will be great to learn from when they are done!
  • HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
    Thanks! I tried (and still trying) to do my best to keep the price as low as possible, while giving out the most to learn using this tool.
    I plan on porting those template to Corona, if there's enough interest here in that platform :)
  • HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
    Anyone got any idea for other templates, maybe something you need? :)
  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    I have an idea, Somethinkg like this game I created, but endless., it would be awesome.
    Watch the video.

    BTW, how is the template going?
  • HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
    Thx nicolas :) I'll see if I find the time.
    About the running template, added reset and highscore, and playing around with flying enemy :)
  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    AMAZING! Both Things!
  • HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
    Thanks beefy! :)
    MagoNicolas, should've fixed the bug you mailed me :)
    Restart is fully implemented. Added a little main scene :P
    When I've fully updated it with the air enemy, I'll send the update to everyone!
  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    nice! Will wait for it!
  • HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
    Here it is, little rope like code. Will see if I make a "neverending" one, but with the code provided with the canabalt template, it shouldn't be too difficult for you guys to add this yourself :)
    As always, free to anyone who buy or have bought!
  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    It Has Been difficult for me! I have a method, but not optimized, it uses Spawn and destroy (But it runs smooth on iphone 4)
    Any video of new stuff of running template¿
  • HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
    Ok, I'll work something out to make it endless when I have time :P
    For the videos stuff, let me add something more first :P
  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    Do you have to choose GS or Corona? or can you have both.
  • HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
    You can have both with a discount of 20$ (instead of 100$ it's 80$), both version with all the templates :)
    in 2-3 hours I'll post another video ;)
  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    Hachiko said:
    You can have both with a discount of 20$ (instead of 100$ it's 80$), both version with all the templates :)
    in 2-3 hours I'll post another video ;)

  • HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
    Here it is :)

    Wait for it in your mail, tomorrow, after I fixed a very little thing :P
  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    Thats amazing! it looks great! Is missing something or not?
    I really want it in my mail!
    Will you add a non movable object for us to create a Power Up?
  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    I will be buying this soon in a day or so when I get the money. Please don't raise the price. Thanks
  • HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
    Bad news guy, I got flu :'( (I don't know if flu really means what I have in english, I talk about when your body temperature raise to more than 37° celsius), and a pretty bad one too, 38.8°. It's 4.50 am here, and I wasn't able to sleep at ALL, just laying there in the bed, lol. Couldn't take it anymore so I took my computer, but my head is spinning x°
    Just wanted to say, you'll probably hear from me a little less in these coming 3-4 days, but I'm still working! Not much as I'd like too, but things are coming out pretty nicely. I'm sending everyone an email with the latest build, and those who already bought the corona version, should expect it in their email pretty soon.

    @Dream, don't worry, I'll never raise the price more than 50$, I think it's already a lot of money to learn :)
  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    Hachiko said:
    Bad news guy, I got flu :'( (I don't know if flu really means what I have in english, I talk about when your body temperature raise to more than 37° celsius), and a pretty bad one too, 38.8°. It's 4.50 am here, and I wasn't able to sleep at ALL, just laying there in the bed, lol. Couldn't take it anymore so I took my computer, but my head is spinning x°
    Just wanted to say, you'll probably hear from me a little less in these coming 3-4 days, but I'm still working! Not much as I'd like too, but things are coming out pretty nicely. I'm sending everyone an email with the latest build, and those who already bought the corona version, should expect it in their email pretty soon.

    @Dream, don't worry, I'll never raise the price more than 50$, I think it's already a lot of money to learn :)

    Hope you get better soon! Take Care, Cya.
  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    Will be buying soon so look into your email in the next couple of hours.
  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    Email sent! can't wait
  • PortymanPortyman Member, PRO Posts: 409
    Hope your feeling better, I don't believe that I got the latest update. Can you resend to me?

  • HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
    Sent the update to everyone just now, I though I did it before but probably my head is playing tricks, lol.
    DreamLab, sent you a mail! :)
  • HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
    I was thinking about making some more templates showing gameplay style similar to samurai kid and/or checkout!
    You can check them out on the appstore, I think those are free now.
    Obviously they will not come with their graphics assets, since they're not mine, I'll do some. Plus, they promised me 40% of samurai kid sales, since I took very very little for that (1/3 of what we initially agreed for), but never heard back from them, lol.
    So basically with a template like that you could learn:
    -levels unlocking
    -two controls style, accelerometer and on screen buttons
    -recycling of actors
    -increasing speed of object over score/time
    -increasing number of object over score/time without spawning new ones
    -get both landscape mode with accelerometer controls still working the same
    -doing menus without the need of more than one actor
    -no loading between menu screen at all
    -turn off and on music, as well as pausing the entire game
    -have highscore, and actually one for each level
    -how to start game after touch, display a game over screen without loading times and do retry or quit both with just one actor
    -life system

    Note, this is not the same gameproj of those game. I actually deleted those after my work was done. The template will just show how to do a similar kind of falling/slashing objects game, like others on the appstore.
    This would come at a pretty lower price for those who already purchased the canabalt one (was thinking about 50%) and at 50$ for those who are not interested in the canabalt one. It would come with all the other templates/code example like the canabalt template does, and at anytime you can buy the other one always at 50% less.
    But before any of this, I'll finish the canabalt template.
    Please, let me know your opinions ;)
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