Project Merger Now Available!

*NOW FOR SALE* please go to the market place.
Gathering some feedback on how much a tool like this is worth to you guys in case GS decide not to run with it.
We have no idea how many units we could sell but i can say myself and Wayne have put many many hours into it and I couldn't live without it but what do you think?
What price would you put on a tool that could save you hours/days of time and be used over and over again?

If yes, I'll pay even more than 100 USD for it!
I would like to mention on the subject of Darren selling it direct if it comes to it (clearly something he and Wayne are trying to avoid) that this software is no mean feat and we should support their efforts if it's worth something to you.
I see there are various threads around, but I'll just chime in on this one and answer a few of the questions which have been raised.
[Merging Projects with same name Image files]
There is an option within the App to RENAME the images on the fly to ensure there is no mix-up with file names within the merged projects. Additionally, within the App you can choose to Rename; SCENES, IMAGES, SOUNDS and GAME ATTRIBUTES on the fly.
[Attributes with the same name handling]
As above, or if the case be, you can choose to not include the Attribute names from the 2nd project. This functionality is handy for merging Projects where 'teams' are working on Scene and Level creation. Ideally, remote teams would not add or alter, pre-defined attributes - this would be the responsibility of the Team Master.
[Ability to convert GameSalad Project Source (XML/LUA) to Corona (LUA Script)]
Hmmmm - I'm sure Corona will have a GUI in the future, so no need really.
[Supply source code to App or make App Open Source]
No, this wouldn't be an option at this time.
Here's another video of the Application in action - if anyone has any further questions, we'll answer them as best we can.
You guys did a GREAT job with this, and I can't wait to use this!
GamersRejoice makes a good observation about the difference between worth and price. I wouldn't think twice about spending $20 on something I like, but I'm much slower to pull the trigger for anything higher - even when it's something I want and is clearly worth more.
tshirtbooth makes an interesting point about credits and pirating. For me though, I would not likely buy credits - I'd much rather pay once and use at will. Otherwise, I'd spend all my credits just tinkering with ideas.
Hopefully GameSalad will buy this from you and put it in their tool!
I know it's probably worth a hell of a lot more, and the amount of effort you guys (*waves to Wayne and Darren*) must have been huge.
Now that I'm in a 'team' of two, it would save us time and allow us to both work on the same project simultaneously.
In addition, we could work on separate 'parts' of the game - say a top down level in one scene in one project, a side view in another scene in another project- then take these individual scenes and merge them together into separate scenes in a new 'Master' project file.
Obviously I'd like it to cost less - and I'm sure you guys would like it to cost more - I think a happy medium could be reached if GameSalad don't go for it (and I can't see why they wouldn't to be honest).
Good luck, mate!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Example would be $35 on its own or $149 with source code. On the PC, I tend to always buy the source code just in case the seller vanishes and the product needs updating for some reason.
It would be great for my current be able to move over some test projects I've got rather than having to remake all the bits...
Less would be ridiculous for the effort you have put into it.
More I would't want to pay.
Wayne .. in your post:
[Ability to convert GameSalad Project Source (XML/LUA) to Corona (LUA Script)]
Hmmmm - I'm sure Corona will have a GUI in the future, so no need really.
If GS do not pick this up from you guys .. please consider this part. The value of this then goes up hugely and I would suggest $50 per year on a subscription basis. I bet Corona coders would download GS and use their interface if it could be freed up back into Corona.
I have a suggestion for Darren, if you could make it automatically upscale everything from iPhone to iPad Im sure this tool would become absolutely a necessity for any gamesalad developer.
If you want to be updated I'm collecting emails for a news letter.
No need to apply if you have contacted me recently.
The iPhone to iPad thing would be awesome btw!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Maybe give these two guys the source code, pay them a shitload of money and sit and wait.
Maybe THEY could give us THE GameSalad, we need within a few months.
Fire the incompetents, who you pay now.