Sorry for the off-topic post, but I would appreciate it Darren if you could resize/remove the images you post as your signature. They take up over half of my screen when going through the forums, which is a fair bit.
Great job guys I see you finally started working on this project. This is what I need, however I was hoping maybe you could do a cheaper less limited version since 500$ is out of many peoples price range. Maybe GS might buy this project from you...(hopefully!)
It's tough to justify paying more for the add on to a product , than the actual product.
Dont get me wtong, Utopias stuff is great and this is not anything against him. I have bought all the templates, the merger and if this is priced at or lower than $50 I will buy this also,
but if I have to keep paying for stuff that should be included in the product, I might as well consider an alternative products (ie corona) that has much more........
This is a little off topic, but Darren/Wayne I am dieing for the option to reorder my game.attributes. I know I can go into the xml & do it manually, but I would literally pay for this. Anyone this could be done? Or maybe incorporate it in the merge program (would kinda make sense) I'll even pay an extra fee for that one feature.
@JGary: this will be included in the next version of Project Merger (0.2.2).
@Chaser: it won't be $500 it will be substantially lower ;-) Pricing and release info will be announced later today, along with 2 new videos, oh wait, someones already found them early, doh!
Everyone will see a different value in the GS Resizer, some of you have smaller games that you can port over in a day but others make bigger more complex games, TSB, QS and ButterBean to name a few.
I've already said for 2 of my games RW and Bumps this is worth a lot to me personally but everyone's different.
The Resizer lets you build once for iPhone, iPad or mac and deploy to the other 2 quickly and easily which imo is priceless.
It's tough to justify paying more for the add on to a product , than the actual product.
Dont get me wtong, Utopias stuff is great and this is not anything against him. I have bought all the templates, the merger and if this is priced at or lower than $50 I will buy this also,
but if I have to keep paying for stuff that should be included in the product, I might as well consider an alternative products (ie corona) that has much more........
Just my 2 cents or at most $50.
Another thing to consider is that practically all SDK's have third party tools for them.
Corona has the Particle thingy and Spritedeck to name just two. Unity has loads. Torque has 'packs' you can buy.
GS Project Merger Merge 2 or more projects at the touch of a button.
GS Project Resizer iPhone to iPad to Mac store and visa versa.
Platform Template Our most popular template with over 90 sales.
Mega Pack 31 Templates Amazing value with 31 fantastic templates.
Shoot Em Up Template Over 30 moving enemies with 0 slow down.
- Alex
Hope you understand. Thanks
Can I buy it now?
Can I buy it now?
It's tough to justify paying more for the add on to a product , than the actual product.
Dont get me wtong, Utopias stuff is great and this is not anything against him. I have bought all the templates, the merger and if this is priced at or lower than $50 I will buy this also,
but if I have to keep paying for stuff that should be included in the product, I might as well consider an alternative products (ie corona) that has much more........
Just my 2 cents or at most $50.
Are we nearly there yet?
And this
If it's remotely close I'd have to pass.
@Chaser: it won't be $500 it will be substantially lower ;-) Pricing and release info will be announced later today, along with 2 new videos, oh wait, someones already found them early, doh!
All my games on Google Play
I've already said for 2 of my games RW and Bumps this is worth a lot to me personally but everyone's different.
The Resizer lets you build once for iPhone, iPad or mac and deploy to the other 2 quickly and easily which imo is priceless.
More info soon guys.
GS Project Merger Merge 2 or more projects at the touch of a button.
GS Project Resizer iPhone to iPad to Mac store and visa versa.
Platform Template Our most popular template with over 90 sales.
Mega Pack 31 Templates Amazing value with 31 fantastic templates.
Shoot Em Up Template Over 30 moving enemies with 0 slow down.
Corona has the Particle thingy and Spritedeck to name just two.
Unity has loads.
Torque has 'packs' you can buy.
It's not unusual, really.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...