Think outside the box contest game - 'Clay Moon' By Riffel
This is a thread about my game for the 'Think outside the box contest'.
Hi, I'm starting the game development.
the gameplay will be simple, a vertical scrolling space shooter.
the difference will be in the art style, Im going to use Clay modeling, the real stuff and get photos.
start to working with GS engine just now, hope can finish it in time for feb 21.
I'm trying tell you more, but my english is poor :-(
Hi, I'm starting the game development.
the gameplay will be simple, a vertical scrolling space shooter.
the difference will be in the art style, Im going to use Clay modeling, the real stuff and get photos.
start to working with GS engine just now, hope can finish it in time for feb 21.
I'm trying tell you more, but my english is poor :-(
Im start some sketches at photoshop to measure actor size etc ( not concept )
planning some sort of banking effect
Later Im going to model the player ship on clay.
here an enemy WIP
Now going to sleep... tomorrow Im send more screensshots
and try add some words
This looks properly cool. Really really like the style.
Are there many clay styled games on the app store. Is there a name for the style could you start a whole movement like the doodle style?
This is turning out better than I imagined..
Competition is just increased
For instance, dropping a bomb on the planet surface, and watching the resultant 'splurge' would be awesome.
looking forward to seeing this grow...
It looks fun just making the objects, skip the actual GameSalad bit and just have fun with clay/plasticine... :-)
BubbleBall Template HERE!!
AppSolute Entertainment on Facebook
@cbt I have the 3 skills :-)
@PIXOMUSE nice idea, I don't have the time to implement, actually they are moon craters
@design219 nice theres no competition :-)
@tenrdrmer i love work with this materials, this symbioses is great
here the ship and some 'tiles' to the forum WIP
Also is there a hint that of the numbers increasing as it moves up... I saw the number 4 slots appearing...
Good luck with's looking great.
How to remove this?
there is an easy way to towers shoot at player ship position?
I have pos x/y tracked to game.x /game.y
thank you
Riffel ... I volunteer at my son's school and I lead them in animation movie projects .. some with clay. If you get a chance and wouldn't mind could you take a picture of your camera and scene setup? Your lighting and clarity in the actor images is great (would like to see if there's anything in your setup that I could learn from).
Thanks .... no problem if its too much trouble ... well done anyways and would love for you to keep us updated.
I can't wait till its out!
there is a lot of work, hope finish it monday cause my vacations!
Theres an aoo to do stopmotion on appstore, try it, its is fun