Gamesalad may be getting a bad name for itself.
Hey guys i've been reviewing a few of your games since the review function is working again.
And there is a lot of Negative feedback for a lot Gamesalad Games.
One review for example said: "It's just another crap Gamesalad game, what a rip"
I don't really know what else to say about that but point it out.
Open for discussion.
Thanks all!
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And there is a lot of Negative feedback for a lot Gamesalad Games.
One review for example said: "It's just another crap Gamesalad game, what a rip"
I don't really know what else to say about that but point it out.
Open for discussion.
Thanks all!
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GameSalad doesn't make bad games, people make bad games. With GameSalad's ease of use, and being completely free, anybody and everybody can make a game with it, which would have a bigger market of sub-par quality games.
Shanemc: That's a really good point! The splash Screens could be doing a lot more Harm then good.
I think honestly Templates need to be controlled more.
I do. The problem isn't GS, the problem is that nobody has quite cracked it yet. Who's going to be the first?
the problem with gamesalad is that the investment required to get an app in the app store is so low, and it's barrier to entry is also so low. Anyone can take one of the included templates, switch out some images, and publish their first iOS Game.
I know many people do that hoping to make $50-100 per game before it dies, and just keep shoveling out the crap.
I'm glad that pro users don't have the splash screen anymore. I think making the software free did wonders for getting people to use the software, but it has also drawn some people who would rather make a quick buck that put out something they are proud of.
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Making a completely unique game takes a lot of time and effort and in the end it's a bit of a gamble but being willing to take that gamble is what makes a top selling game.
Honestly I cant believe when apple rejects a flashlight app because it's not complex enough to enhance the user experience. Why they approve the ridiculous apps with god awful graphics or are obvious rip offs. If it looks like a rip off of several of the same app already there then they should require an explanation of whats different from the game they are ripping off. Wheres the enhanced user experience from the original. Think of how many apps we would have rejected if they did that. It would curb rip off so much be cause who wants to invest 2-3 months into a game that is almost for sure going to be rejected? I wouldn't. It would only challenge me much harder to come up with original ideas and then work hard to ensure there is nothing like it before getting deep into development. I hate the idea of apple getting involved more into what we can and cannot sell but honestly it needs to happen.
499 is a small price to pay to build an independent brand and get away from the GS splash. It's not gamesalad I dislike, I think it's an awesome tool.
Dam I started a nice big thread xD haha.
I recommend you people move to Buildbox far better application for games.
I only keep on game salad to support legacy stuff I haven't yet redeveloped.
is anyone having issue with generating a build in iOS ? The version of GameSalad used to create this project is not supported. Please download the latest version.
I have a buildbox pro account, I sill prefer GameSalad. All engines have their problems. You just have to learn to live with what you have and work around the problems.
@adriangomez, I couldn't agree more. No one game engine is perfect and will be able to do everything that evert developer needs. I certainly still use Gamesalad for lots of projects and have also taken the time to investigate and use a couple other engines as well. I like them all for different reasons. :) ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page