☼☼☼Graphic Packs- Game typesetting Templates & BGs- SPICY CHEAP!☼☼☼

TeamLava8TeamLava8 Member, BASIC Posts: 294
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I am Proud to finally put a few of these out! They should come in handy when trying to figure out some of the typefaces and custom fonts from within the game.

Simply click and edit, and you have custom graphics that look clean and professional.

For a limited time these will be 5 dollars each or all 3 for 10 dollars! So get em while they are hot!


Asian/Ninja Pack:



Whimsical/Children's Pack


Cartoon/ Gamey Pack



Also Each Pack Contains a cutomized custom scoring template, that you can use as you wish or merge into an existing game using Utopian Game's Project Merger!

Screenshot Below:

Making the world better one pixel at a time!

My Website
Over 70 AWESOME Gamesalad Templates by me!


  • TeamLava8TeamLava8 Member, BASIC Posts: 294
    Each Pack comes with fonts as well!

    Making the world better one pixel at a time!

    My Website
    Over 70 AWESOME Gamesalad Templates by me!
    HIRE ME!

  • TeamLava8TeamLava8 Member, BASIC Posts: 294
    Any Takers?

    Making the world better one pixel at a time!

    My Website
    Over 70 AWESOME Gamesalad Templates by me!
    HIRE ME!

  • TeamLava8TeamLava8 Member, BASIC Posts: 294
    bumpity bump bump.

    Making the world better one pixel at a time!

    My Website
    Over 70 AWESOME Gamesalad Templates by me!
    HIRE ME!

  • TeamLava8TeamLava8 Member, BASIC Posts: 294
    3 for $5 this week only!

    Making the world better one pixel at a time!

    My Website
    Over 70 AWESOME Gamesalad Templates by me!
    HIRE ME!

  • BazookaTimeBazookaTime Member Posts: 1,274
    jayleedesigns said:
    3 for $5 this week only!

    I will buy this. Where do I send payment?
  • BazookaTimeBazookaTime Member Posts: 1,274
    Payment Sent.
  • BazookaTimeBazookaTime Member Posts: 1,274
    I received the Bloons Template but I am still waiting for this one.
  • BazookaTimeBazookaTime Member Posts: 1,274
    Still waiting:-(
  • Field305Field305 Member Posts: 29
    yeh me too I want to buy this.
  • BazookaTimeBazookaTime Member Posts: 1,274
    Field305 said:
    yeh me too I want to buy this.

    I don't think he is around very often. I paid for this a week ago and never received it.
  • BazookaTimeBazookaTime Member Posts: 1,274
    Still waiting for this. I have tried emailing him but no luck.
  • JackYdJackYd Member Posts: 93
    He's extremely busy. He has a new born son give him some time, he'll get back to you. I've worked with him alot. He's a very trustworthy guy.
  • BazookaTimeBazookaTime Member Posts: 1,274
    PikPocketStudio said:
    He's extremely busy. He has a new born son give him some time, he'll get back to you. I've worked with him alot. He's a very trustworthy guy.

    I don't think anyone has questioned if he is trustworthy or not. However, if you have time to post an item for sale and to take money, you really need to be able to send things out. I have been waiting about ten days. He really should just get a site like a lot of members have that once you pay you can download right away. Oh...and I have six kids.
  • BazookaTimeBazookaTime Member Posts: 1,274
    Hello...I am still waiting for the Type Setting pack I paid for a couple weeks ago.

  • 3d103d10 Member Posts: 471

    Wow six kids.Man you really must be a very busy person.

    That is right if you are doing business then you must be professional.Having a kid does not mean you are not going to work.ANd everyone in the world have kids.
    I deliver the files even on the weekends when everyone is holidaying.

    But maybe he may be busy in something urgent.He is a trusty person.
  • BazookaTimeBazookaTime Member Posts: 1,274
    Wanted to get this back on the first page, since the MarketPlace will be closing and I am still waiting for this.
  • BazookaTimeBazookaTime Member Posts: 1,274
    Well it has been about a month and I am still waiting for this. I have tried email a few times, twitter once and the contacting via his website. I have also copied him on the paypal receipt in case there was any confusion.

    Maybe someone that knows him can point him my direction. He has posted on GameSalad and released an App since I paid, so I am guessing he just doesn't check his sales threads.
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