Wishlist for 2010
Member Posts: 8,188
Hello all! Welcome to 2010.
In lieu of personal jetpacks and flying cars for all, I'd like to make a wishlist of features I'd love to see in GS this year!
*Text entry
*Text entry saved to a variable
*Openfeint/other online leaderboard support
*Facebook/Twitter integration for high scores
*High Score template (as a behaviour I guess)
*Integration of one project into another (so we can take the templates and integrate them quickly by merging them together).
*Silhouette collision detection
*Support for publishing to other devices (e.g. Android, iSlate or whatever!).
*commenting out behaviours
*A lowering of the Pro version to $499
*guides on scenes for easier positioning
*Performance improvements (so we can have 1000 bullets on-screen at once!)
*Zooming on scenes
*Folders for actor/images/sound stuff
*Integration of iPhone functions (user music playing, camera use, GPS, contacts info etc etc)
*The moon on a stick
Thanks to everyone at GS for their encouragement and support in 2009, and for making one of the funnest programmes I've had the pleasure to use! Cheers!
In lieu of personal jetpacks and flying cars for all, I'd like to make a wishlist of features I'd love to see in GS this year!
*Text entry
*Text entry saved to a variable
*Openfeint/other online leaderboard support
*Facebook/Twitter integration for high scores
*High Score template (as a behaviour I guess)
*Integration of one project into another (so we can take the templates and integrate them quickly by merging them together).
*Silhouette collision detection
*Support for publishing to other devices (e.g. Android, iSlate or whatever!).
*commenting out behaviours
*A lowering of the Pro version to $499
*guides on scenes for easier positioning
*Performance improvements (so we can have 1000 bullets on-screen at once!)
*Zooming on scenes
*Folders for actor/images/sound stuff
*Integration of iPhone functions (user music playing, camera use, GPS, contacts info etc etc)
*The moon on a stick
Thanks to everyone at GS for their encouragement and support in 2009, and for making one of the funnest programmes I've had the pleasure to use! Cheers!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Although in no immediate hurry, I've been so surprised with the GS team just reciently. Like I didn't think the save feature would come so soon.
Thats why i stuck to Earth Control, but now with it i'm adding loads of new things.
I don't know what I really want to see next, maybe better memory management in areas for me... allowing a little bit more complicated games, more actors and animation.
thats high on my list.
zooming is a good idea QS, I can think of a few good uses for that.
I would say my top three are:
- Graphics with pixel Collision
- iPhone functions integration: music player, GPS etc
- OpenFeint
(- And performance of course!)
Then again an ultra cool feature which is probably asking a bit too much. But multiplayer! This would truly be incredible, but the performance needs to go up for things like that, and just in general I think.
I'd like to see....
- Some kind of version control on GS projects.
- Some global outliner or audit function so you can find and replace old code, images, sounds
- Microphone enabled features
- Build for custom user specified screen resolutions
- Inline pixel gfx editor for quick edits
- re-organise the GS UI a little or allow customisation.
- Cut and paste actors from one scene to another maintains X/Y co-ordinates
- Predefined drag and drop UI objects - keyboard,thumbstick etc
- Code checking, errors like and empty or incomplete syntax / expression fields are highlighted at runtime.
I could go on... I really like GS
here's my list for what it's worth...
- disable or 'comment out' behaviors - great time/work flow saver
- portrait style games...a must
- garbage collection for in game memory & memory leaks sorted for gs creator
- deleting in 'my behaviors'
- support for system fonts
- mulitple conditions... http://gamesalad.com/forums/topic.php?id=710
- plugins for accessing games from other browsers...my friends don't have macs
- screen setup memory... http://gamesalad.com/forums/topic.php?id=302
- pixel collisions
- turn based networking
looking forward to 1.0 and to finally getting something published...lol
increase performance of both creator and games
frame rate improvements
color coded rules and behaviors
hope I win macworld challenge
zoom gameplay
effects when changing scenes like cocos2d
improvements to highscore saves
openfeint, or something like it
a pause behavior
and to keep making rockin' GS games without learning programming( take that AP comp science teacher)
performance... or better possibilities to optimize games
2. Paste in place
But a good wishlist of what people would like to see appearing here - thanks to all that have contributed with their own suggestions!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
My wishlist now that I feel GameSalad has done a wonderful job with all it's features including the new save/load feature, is to be able to port games over to different peripherals!
Android anyone?
A few extra, in case the Development team needed an extra something to do:
Some kind of 'Group" actor functionality
Support for video files- and associated play/pause behaviours
A "My behaviours" folder that can be accessed from all GS projects
Go GameSalad!
It would be incredibly useful to have arrays for variables/attributes. That may be more complex than it seems because now you probably need to add some sort of variable capability into the NAME of the attribute as well, so that you can find specific cells within an array.
It's certainly not as sexy as some of the other great things on this topic, but functionally I think it would be incredibly powerful. you could have arrays for x,y coords, etc.
The other problem I am having and it may be my lack of coding knolwdge (or math ability) is getting the accelerometer to work smoothly. I would kill (Ok not really as I am a pacifist, butI would be tickled pink) to get my accelerometer settings working smoothly (like doodle jump for example). I have tried everything (move, change velocity, accelerate) I even copied somebody's math equation that uses max and min to theoritcally make it so the more you tilt the faster the object moves - still no luck! Can't get it to feel like other "professional" games that use the tilt control. Not sure if it is GS or me (probably me!) If it is a GS issue I would love to have better accelerometer control.
So for me it is just little things like this as I think GS is simply incredible - it has changed my life. no joke.
- A pen tool so that you can draw out your actors.
The pen tool like in Photoshop and Illustrator so that you can make polygonal shapes so that our actors such as invisible walls for me can go all around and about where I need them to.
That being said, my wishlist is short: 1. networking/social networking integration, 2. MP4 video playback, and 3. make enough money from iTunes App Store sales that I could get out of debt, quit my full-time job, and work from home developing more games.
- If I don't "preserve" the current scene it shouldn't stay in memory.
- If I "Destroy this actor" it should be destroyed.
2. player name input.
3. device detection and information so we can adjust game depending on the device of the user.
4. auto-scan and fix of corrupted projects which happens from time to time.
5. auto resize of added images to the power of 2. Also auto flatten of png if possible.
6. actor path editor so we can create waves of aliens or platform enemies.
7. SDK or technical specs so we can edit the xml data in the app project and write our own tools to get the job done instead of moaning at GS. So for example, we can write a gui to create waves of aliens.
Camera and microphone access!
Touch gestures!
Speed improvements!
More tools or options to tweak music and sounds including increasing tempo
Online scores
particles engine for some really cool effects.
lower price of pro...unity iphone is cheaper and a lot more powerful although requires more skills.
And so it can be linked to a personal server, not one over at GS.
I have the same amount of games on both iPhone and Android, but make five times the money on Android. If you could run GS games on Android I could make some good money.
Nice to haves would be;
Multiplayer via wi-fi/bluetooth
Openfeint integration
Facebook posting
Arrays (with sorting) really useful for a simple high score table
Be able to look at the finished xcode project (and run instruments to profile it)
Deploy to islate (if it runs iphone os, but have been reading its running something called 'clouded leopard' whatever the heck that is)
Happy 2010!
Also, not only game performance, but GameSalad software performance, so we don't have to quit every 30 minutes or so and re launch due to slow downs in the software.