Game Creation Log - B.S.
Hey Everyone,
Tonight I'm going to start a project that I think will become really great so I would like to log my progress as Photics does. Now, "B.S." is an acronym of the game title which I will not reveal until the game is submitted. And NO, the "BS" is not standing for Bull ****. In fact it has nothing to do with anything wrong. This game will be a 2D birds eye view of a game that I played (& most kids) when I was around 7. It was mostly a game for boys, & if designed right, It will be a sure hit!
Now here's the catch, I have an amazing idea that I can develop, but I have ABSOLUTELY NO ART SKILLS. I really need an artist that can fully help me with this project. If you are interested please email me at
I'm feeling like I should make a really good game. I think it's important to show the community what I'm difficulties are & my progress. Also possibly teaching about GS throughout the way!
This app (if done correctly) will definitely be a hit on the app store worldwide. After taking several hours starring at the top 100 app's screenshots, descriptions, title, & price; I noticed some things. 99% of these apps have no ads & all of these apps DO NOT have a title menu in the screenshots & something VERY important. The F'n Title! I want every one to realize: ALMOST IF NOT ALL TOP APPS IN THE APP STORE INCLUDE A ADJECTIVE FOLLOWED BY A SUBJECT IN THE TITLE.
Think about it:
-Angry Birds
-Tiny Wings
-Doodle God
-Fruit Ninja
-Doodle Jump
-Air Penguin
-Fat Booth
I could go on forever.
B.S. Musts:
-$0.99 (To price your app $0.99 is a big deal, most apps are $0.99, so it MUST be the same quality as a (2D) Xbox Game to compete with others
-Top Quality Screenshots (Screenshots will be taken 4 times a day, you only get 5. GET THE BEST.
-Device Compatibility: MAC, if B.S. ran on iOS devices there would be hundreds of marks every time you play.
-Almost no loading times (There will be no physics if not needed!)
-Memory, my goal is under 20MB
-Eventually Multiplayer
-FaceBook Integrated
-In App Purchases for new designs of your player
-MARKETING!: This game will stay in the waiting for release for about 1-2 months, getting reviews & teaser trailers out to the public
So, with all this together tomorrow I will start the 1st progress report of B.S.
Thank You,
Tonight I'm going to start a project that I think will become really great so I would like to log my progress as Photics does. Now, "B.S." is an acronym of the game title which I will not reveal until the game is submitted. And NO, the "BS" is not standing for Bull ****. In fact it has nothing to do with anything wrong. This game will be a 2D birds eye view of a game that I played (& most kids) when I was around 7. It was mostly a game for boys, & if designed right, It will be a sure hit!
Now here's the catch, I have an amazing idea that I can develop, but I have ABSOLUTELY NO ART SKILLS. I really need an artist that can fully help me with this project. If you are interested please email me at
I'm feeling like I should make a really good game. I think it's important to show the community what I'm difficulties are & my progress. Also possibly teaching about GS throughout the way!
This app (if done correctly) will definitely be a hit on the app store worldwide. After taking several hours starring at the top 100 app's screenshots, descriptions, title, & price; I noticed some things. 99% of these apps have no ads & all of these apps DO NOT have a title menu in the screenshots & something VERY important. The F'n Title! I want every one to realize: ALMOST IF NOT ALL TOP APPS IN THE APP STORE INCLUDE A ADJECTIVE FOLLOWED BY A SUBJECT IN THE TITLE.
Think about it:
-Angry Birds
-Tiny Wings
-Doodle God
-Fruit Ninja
-Doodle Jump
-Air Penguin
-Fat Booth
I could go on forever.
B.S. Musts:
-$0.99 (To price your app $0.99 is a big deal, most apps are $0.99, so it MUST be the same quality as a (2D) Xbox Game to compete with others
-Top Quality Screenshots (Screenshots will be taken 4 times a day, you only get 5. GET THE BEST.
-Device Compatibility: MAC, if B.S. ran on iOS devices there would be hundreds of marks every time you play.
-Almost no loading times (There will be no physics if not needed!)
-Memory, my goal is under 20MB
-Eventually Multiplayer
-FaceBook Integrated
-In App Purchases for new designs of your player
-MARKETING!: This game will stay in the waiting for release for about 1-2 months, getting reviews & teaser trailers out to the public
So, with all this together tomorrow I will start the 1st progress report of B.S.
Thank You,
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Game Creation Log - B.S.
Tshirtbooth please email me, I want to tell you about the game & why it NEEDS to be for Mac
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Sorry but Not doing a game for iPhone because of the screen getting dirty is the stupidest thing I've ever heard
CONTROLS - When the virtually mouse flows near the player it acts as a magnet & pulls the player toward the mouse. As long as the mouse is always within a relevant distance to the player.
GAME PURPOSE - The point of BS is to
Continuously drive yourself into your opponent causing the enemy to "die" (when the game is released you will know it's not actually "die") while simaltaneously gaining power ups making you stronger & facing harder opponents along the journey.
Well everyone, today was a day to relax & chill with the idea
I played the original game today, to get some feels and all the ideas kept hitting me
Enjoy Your Days,
More Progress Up Soon
GameSalad Community Project
Quality Game Making Service
1 On 1 Project Help
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Game Creation Log - B.S.
I stink at art too so I have my dad help me. He is a creative designer so he has to be creative so I get him to help me for the stuff that I want done.
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I don't think I'm a good enough artist to offer my help. I think it would be easier to find someone to work with if you make it ipad than mac.
That adjective title is a nice observation. I'm trying to find a good name for my game so I'll keep that in mind
Just wanted to release more information about B.S. itself.
B.S. is a top action game.
The concept of my game is this:
There are two tires, each with a set RPM. Use your finger or mouse (haven't decided yet) as a magnet to pull these tires to and from each other. Use your finger to make your "tire" smash into the other, you want to get your opposing "tire" at 0 RPM. There are power ups floating on the screen. To award yourself these powerups, you must use your magnets to push or pull your tire into these power ups.
NOW REMEMBER - During all this time, you are being chased by a genious mechamism
The game stadiums will be such things as open forests, arenas, mazes, etc.
I'll keep that in mind.