actors freeze after incoming call

gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I have a development app version of my game for final testing before submitting it to Apple. I have just found that when playing the game, and I receive and incoming call, the game is frozen when I end the call and go back to the game, and can't be re-started. It just stays frozen.

The only way to get it to start again, it so turn the iPhone off and restart it.

Is there something that should be added to the game to make it restart after an incoming call is ended, or should it automatically do it?


  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    I have a solution (Not for Freeze) But for not restaring iPhone
    A Pause Button.
    And In Pause button you could have a Menu Button that reset all attributes and goes back to menu.

  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    Each scene has a pause button in it already. This too doesn't work after the call is ended. It's like everything is frozen.
  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    After much testing today, and trying to find the problem, as far as I can tell the game is automatically paused when a call comes in, and isn't frozen as such.

    The problem is, how do you get the game to re-start? It just stays in the paused state, and the only way to get it going again is to re-start the iPhone.

    Can anyone help?
  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    Does anyone have any clues? I need to get this fixed.
  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    After many hours of trying to work this out, I'm now pretty sure this is a GameSalad bug. To test this, I created a very simple 1 scene game, and published it as an Ad Hoc dev. game to test on my iPhone.

    This simple game also freezes after receiving an incoming call. So there must be some bug with the GameSalad auto pausing, presumably since the 0.9.3 up-date.

    Has anyone else published an Ad Hoc development verion of their game since this up-date? If so, do you have the same issue?
  • SAZ_1SAZ_1 Member Posts: 397
    Hi guys, first post bit unfortunate because i didn't want to post my first post about a bug but oh well!... i agree with you gurechan. i created a ad hoc version of my game using the old version of GS and then published my game to the app store( awaiting review) with the new 0.9.3 build of my game.

    i've got the exact same bug and im pretty sure it wasn't happening before, memory usage on my phone seems fine aswell (busiest scene is 27mb at its max) but the issue seems to be occuring on the iphone 3gs and happened only twice on the iphone4 (which is generally fine). My app is still waiting for review and im not sure if i should reject the binary or hope that it goes unnoticed! and wait for a fix.

    i tested this in a bit more depth aswell and if you receive a call but do nothing ie. wait for the caller to hang up before rejecting/accepting the call the game continues fine. however if you actually press a button when an incoming call comes it freezes the game requiring to restart the app by closing it from the multi-task menu.

    I have submitting a detailed report as a email to the GS support team and will post back when i get a response. im not sure if i should have reported it as a bug but we'll see when they reply.
  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    SAZ_1, yes this is definately an issue with the latest version. To test, I create a 1 scene game with only a couple of actors, and simple movement, and it freezes every time.

    I think it must be an auto pause issue. Normally the game should auto-unpause when the call ends, but it isn't.

    I actually had a game submitted too when I came across this, so I rejected it straight away. This is a major bug, that would really P@!ss users off big time. So for me it was best to stop it before it went through.

    I doubt that Apple would approve it anyway, as I would suggest they would pick it up and reject it.

    I've tested it on 3G up to iPhone 4 and it freezes every time.

    Hopefully they fix it in the next day or so as I want to get my game on the app store.
  • SAZ_1SAZ_1 Member Posts: 397
    ok so i've carried on testing and i downgraded my gamesalad back to version 0.9.2... guess what??! more freeezing!

    this might be a temp fix for you gurechan but re download 0.9.2 if you haven't made major changes and then use that instead.

    only problem i have now is the changes i made i cant quite remember what i did! haha! im just trying to recreate my final submitted app.
  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    SAZ_1, where did you get the old version from? I can't find it on the GS site. I've seen other posts on this forum saying you can publish from 0.9.2, but does it work for you?

    If possible, can you post a link to the previous version and I'll give it a try.
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    SAZ_1 said:
    ok so i've carried on testing and i downgraded my gamesalad back to version 0.9.2... guess what??! more freeezing!

    this might be a temp fix for you gurechan but re download 0.9.2 if you haven't made major changes and then use that instead.

    only problem i have now is the changes i made i cant quite remember what i did! haha! im just trying to recreate my final submitted app.

    But you can't publish with 0.9.2
  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    Never mind, I found a copy of 0.9.2 on my time machine.

    Still not sure though, others say you can't publish with the version any more.

    SAZ_1, were you able to do this?
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    gurechan said:
    Never mind, I found a copy of 0.9.2 on my time machine.

    Still not sure though, others say you can't publish with the version any more.

    SAZ_1, were you able to do this?

    you can't
    you can search on other threads were they will tell you that you can't do that
  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    SAZ_1, how did you down grade you game so it opens in 0.9.3?
  • SAZ_1SAZ_1 Member Posts: 397
    i didn't , i had different saves for my file, so i just used my most up-to-date 0.9.2 file (which was near enough complete) doesn't let you open 0.9.3 saves on 0.9.2...

    i've also published a distribution version onto my desktop using 0.9.2?!..but people are saying it cant be published?! clarification is needed please.

    when i launch application loader it says no eligible files found please create information about your game... now im not sure but i swear if i reject my current binary shouldn't be able to upload the file i just published with gamesalad?
  • SAZ_1SAZ_1 Member Posts: 397
    SAZ_1 said:
    i didn't , i had different saves for my file, so i just used my most up-to-date 0.9.2 file (which was near enough complete) doesn't let you open 0.9.3 saves on 0.9.2...

    i've also published a distribution version onto my desktop using 0.9.2?!..but people are saying it cant be published?! clarification is needed please.

    when i launch application loader it says no eligible files found please create information about your game... now im not sure but i swear if i reject my current binary shouldn't i be able to upload the file i just published with gamesalad?

  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    you can only publish with the latest version of GS
  • SAZ_1SAZ_1 Member Posts: 397
    sorry for being a dumbass but what exactly do you mean by that^...will application loader not detect binary created by 0.9.2 anymore or is it just the gamesalad publish button wont work in which case whats stopping me from using application loader.
  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    SAZ_1, yes if you reject your current app, you can re-upload it.
  • SAZ_1SAZ_1 Member Posts: 397
    ok so lets get this straight just so everyone is clear....

    i've somehow managed using 0.9.2 to get a distribution version on my desktop(which calvin and others have said is not possible?).
    -->this version should then be zipped and then its ready to upload as binary.
    --> then use application loader to upload and not the publish button.

    right? getting confused...
  • SAZ_1SAZ_1 Member Posts: 397
    ok i don't know what people here are saying but seriously man i pressed the publish button and it created the zipped up version of my game i might make a fake game just to see if i can upload my binary.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    if you use .9.2 on your machine, when you submit your project to be compiled by gamesalad, it will be compiled using .9.3 in the backend. that is what everyone means. Once a new version comes out, it does not matter WHAT version of the software you use on your machine, the project will come back as that latest version.

    Make sure you submit a bug report about this. the link is in the footer of every page.
  • SAZ_1SAZ_1 Member Posts: 397
    oh... thanks for the informed response.. just a quick question though but considering i created a adhoc version of my game which didn't have the bug...would the bug still be in the distribution version then?
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    i don't know. it all depends on what is introducing the bug, the publishing / compiling of the app (server side), or the code that was submitted (client side)
  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    I just tried publishing a version using 0.9.2 and yes the incoming call bug isn't there. So it is a bug with 0.9.3, and not the publishing system.

    Unfortunately I did a number of changes using the latest version, so it would be a bit of work to re-do it all again.

    I guess if the GS guys don't release a fix for 0.9.3 in the next day or so I'll have to give it a go. :(
  • SAZ_1SAZ_1 Member Posts: 397
    im just debating whether to reject my binary and just try this out, i've got 2 versions both complete i'd just want to run a bug test on the 0.9.2 one there anyway to get the distribution version on my iphone and not the adhoc one?
  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    SAZ_1, I beleive they are the same, its just the profile (lisence) that is different. Meaning the Ad Hoc version is just for developer testing and can only be installed on devices you have registered via you developer account.
  • SAZ_1SAZ_1 Member Posts: 397
    cool, so in that case it means i have a working version without the bug now, which in theory should be fine and bug free. i need to make a decision now all i potentially lose is time if its the case.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    Make sure you submit a but report with your findings about using the .9.2 vs .9.3 build so they can fix it!
  • SAZ_1SAZ_1 Member Posts: 397
    yea i did that (twice in fact.. lol) im figuring in the next couple days if they don't fix this problem we'll have a band wagon of people complaining about this.
  • SAZ_1SAZ_1 Member Posts: 397
    lol my app just went into review! hah!... we'll find out now if it gets rejected or not.
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