actors freeze after incoming call



  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    Well 0.9.4 is out, but no fix to this bug. What is the point of publishing a game though GS if the game craps itself each time a call is received on the iPhone. Not very professional! Seriously! Fix it.
  • furrytofufurrytofu Member Posts: 13
    gurechan said:
    Well 0.9.4 is out, but no fix to this bug. What is the point of publishing a game though GS if the game craps itself each time a call is received on the iPhone. Not very professional! Seriously! Fix it.

    Just a friendly word of advice from a passerby.. People take to much kinder requests, much better than they do demands. I'm sure your issue has been noted by the people who need to know about it.

    So it might be good to perhaps.. lighten up a bit, mate. :)
  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    Is there a way to detect if the game is paused, and if so, do something like reload the scene?

    I've tried to make a work-around for this but buy adding a specific button to the scene, but this too is frozen when a call is received.

    If there was a way to detect "game paused" then do something, we may be able to work around this GS bug.
  • SAZ_1SAZ_1 Member Posts: 397
    right back from holiday and i've given 0.9.4 a shot, fixes seem good but this problems remains, so far i personally think its not a massive issue but regardless they should've fixed it especially when they sent me 2 emails saying keep an eye out on the forums we are aware of the problem..

    its strange that it never occured in 0.9.2 and they couldn't fix this? (maybe its me im just assuming its something small to fix).

    either way is there any info on when we can expect 0.9.5 and if this problem will be fixed... im also guessing everyone else publishing with 0.9.4 is having the same problem?
  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    I've given up on asking for a fix for this problem. And other members of this forum are not being constructive in their answers either. I don't understand how people here can accept this. It is a massive issue for anyone trying to sell a game.

    Can you imagine how a person who buys your game would react when it freezes after an incoming call. Yet people here don't seem to care, and just give the "it is beta" excuse.

    It might be beta, but they are still selling a product which I've paid for. Beta releases a meant to get better, not worse.

    To me this issue deserves an up-date release even it this is the only fix the up-date has, because it makes the whole program useless as you can't sell the work you have created with it.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    I've looked into this with Air Supply, which was published with GS 9.3

    I tried ringing myself in the middle of a game. I accepted the call, then hung up, and returned to my game.

    After about 2-3 seconds, the game resumed no problem.

    I tried again with the same game open (I did not exit the game at any point).

    Rang myself, answered, hung up, game restarted after 2-3 seconds.

    Then I did a third test. I rang myself again and this time *declined* the call.

    Going back to my game, it did indeed seem to be true that the game had frozen as you describe.

    I hit the home button, then tapped on my icon to bring the game back up, and after about 2 seconds the game actually restarted.

    I then tried it on Chunkypixels' Impact Earth game, which I bought yesterday, was made in GameSalad, and had to be published with at least 9.3 as it has GameCentre leaderboards. (please try it - it's a fun game!).

    Doing the same tests as those I tried on Air Supply, I found exactly the same results.

    These results do call into question the claims of a 'bug' that 'freezes' your game, and that you have to restart the game/phone after that.

    It does not make the whole program 'useless' and you can 'sell the work you have created with it.'

    In much the same way the GS Viewer will stop if you get an alert of some kind on your phone, but published games won't, it seems that ad-hoc versions of games (which is what you say you tested on) do not behave 100% the same as final published games (such as Air Supply and Impact Earth, which I tested on).

    I'm sorry you've been having problems, but the sky is not falling (thankfully).


    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211

    AdHoc vs Distribute version. That is an answer I have been trying to get an answer to, and SAZ_1 asked the same question here.

    My understanding is that the adhoc version would behave the same as the distribution.

    I have tested this issue in an adhoc version made with both 0.9.3 and 0.9.4 by making a very simple 1 scene game with very simple movement, and it freezes every time and will not restart.

    Obviously I can not test this with a distribute version so I don't know if if this is only affecting adhoc versions or not. And emails to GS support get no answer. So this is the problem I have that I can't get an answer.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    gurechan said:

    AdHoc vs Distribute version. That is an answer I have been trying to get an answer to, and SAZ_1 asked the same question here.

    My understanding is that the adhoc version would behave the same as the distribution.

    I have tested this issue in an adhoc version made with both 0.9.3 and 0.9.4 by making a very simple 1 scene game with very simple movement, and it freezes every time and will not restart.

    Obviously I can not test this with a distribute version so I don't know if if this is only affecting adhoc versions or not. And emails to GS support get no answer. So this is the problem I have that I can't get an answer.

    I just *gave* you your answer.

    The adhoc build behaves differently to published builds.

    I tried it on two different games, published with 9.3

    What more do you want?


    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    We no you didn't as you said "it seems that ad-hoc versions of games" so how can this be a definitive answer? It isn't!

    How about some GS support answer this so we know for sure?
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Let me spell it out for you then:

    There is no bug. Released games behave just fine, as proven by my test on not one, but two games, in my own time. Just to allay your fears and make you feel better.

    Now, you have a choice.

    1. You can accept this and move forward with publishing your game, hoping to make your millions. Good luck with that.

    2. You can whine a bit more hoping to get GS Support to waste time looking into a bug that isn't a bug just so you can get some attention and feel better.

    Regardless - I'm closing this topic as the non-bug has been resolved.

    Oh, and you're welcome.


    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

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