★★★ DeepBlueApps Templates & Tools & New Forum ★★★

UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi Guys,

Summer sale, DBA Templates now only £10 each.


















  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    This is a full game not a template, a 1st for DeepBlueApps

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    DBA is pleased to announce the release of our 2nd full game Avoid the Germs.

    Special introductory price, click banner below for more info.

    iPhone and iPad included.


  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Check out our free Combo tutorial, video below link to project at the bottom.


    Darren & Wayne.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692

    We will be having a fantastic opening offer of only £10 on this one over the weekend then on Monday it will go up to the normal price of £40....grab it while it's cheap!!!

    Available now over at http://www.deepblueapps.com/Deep_Blue_Ideas_Ltd./Home.html

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Hi Guys,

    We have a brand new template out later today.

    It has the following features and then some, it really has a lot to learn from this:


    Notes in all actors explaining how the code works

    Custom font

    Save load high score

    High score visual so you know if you beat your last high score

    Recycled explosion effect using only 1 actor

    Easy to change maps as i used way points to move enemies

    Enemies increase in difficulty..wave 1 they take 1 hit, wave 2 they take 2 hits to kill

    Enemies increase in numbers from 5 to 6 from wave 1 to 2 and so on.

    Enemies change colour to visually show strength

    Bigger more powerful guns with bigger radius

    Place guns anywhere except on the path

    Instant restart

    99 waves but can be set to more

    All art is included!!!


    Opening offer will be only £10 with a regular price of £40

    Available soon over at http://www.deepblueapps.com/Deep_Blue_Ideas_Ltd./Home.html

    Darren & Wayne
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692

    Coming soon....

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
  • wayneh001wayneh001 Member Posts: 300
    *** DBA Icon Creator ***
    Coming Soon.

    We've developed a small utility to help build iOS Icons. The application helps you build the iTunes Artwork Icon 512x512, then automatically creates the iPhone 3, iPhone 4 and iPad icons, at all the various sizes.

    - Change the Background, Overlays, Borders, HD Borders, Banners and Badges
    - Comes with various backdrops and borders etc to get you going.
    - Add a Custom graphic; resize and position on Icon Artwork.
    - Realtime Interface, changes happen to all the Icons and Previews as you work.
    - Automatically exports the iPhone 3, iPhone 4 and iPad [.png] Icons
    - Interface has been built to enable other users to Create [Graphic Packs]
    which can be sold on. End users can purchase more graphics, then use
    within the tool.
    - The paid for version will be free to previous Platinum Tool users,
    and users who had purchased all the tools, pre the bundles.
    - Quick and Simple

    The free version will be ready in the next couple of days, we'll keep you posted.

    If there are any designers out there who would like to build their own graphic packs to sell to users, please contact us and we'll send you the information required to build Graphic Packs.

    Here's a sneaky peeky!

    Darren & Wayne

    Lots of other Tools and Templates available at Deep Blue Apps web site.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Hi everyone,
    DBA Icon Creator is available on our Web Site.


    DBA Icon Creator Lite - Free
    DBA Icon Creator Lite - Full - £3

    Theres a full comparison chart on our website showing the differences between the Lite and Paid version.

    Easily create custom iOS icons in an instant using our Icon Creator Tool. The tool allows you to build up different layers for your icon, using built in graphics. Or import new graphic packs to extend your customisation*.

    Quickly click and select different images for the background, backdrops, overlays etc. Then add a border effortlessly. Once your happy with your design, export it out as a series of PNG files all correct to size.
    With the Full version, you can control the direction of Gradient backgrounds and further retouch and enhance your created icon, using Sharpen tools, retouching, Blurring, Sepia effects plus many more.

    Quick Overview
    - Quickly build up an iOS Icon.
    - Auto generates all the iOS icons to size.
    - Extend the design capabilities with extra Graphic Packs*
    - Create Gradients Vertical and Horizontal*
    - Create Radial gradients with control over the steps, to create some amazing effects*
    - Import your own graphics to enhance the icon*
    *Only available in the Full version

    Over the coming weeks we will be releasing some Extra Graphics Packs for the tool, to extend the creativity and options.


  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692

    The one you've all been waiting for has arrived so without further ado I would like to introduce our biggest and bestest (spelling mistake intentional) template so far....

    Zanda: The Linked Swords


    Intelligent text box using only 1 actor for unlimited conversations.

    Multiple text dialog depending on game state.

    New layer system so you can now walk in front and behind other actors.

    Animation technique so you can have loads of animations without them overlapping and looking bad.

    Keyboard input that's also a part of a puzzle.

    New control system and 1 action button for talking, attacking and any other actions you add.

    Save progress or start from scratch when you die.

    Hearts, coins, sword and speedy boots to collect.

    Intelligent monsters that turn to face you and will attack if you get too close.

    High fps on older devices.

    Lots of notes in the actors so you understand the logic.

    Includes some music from our music pack available over at DBA.

    Art by the one and only DayDream.

    Only £20 for the 1st week (normal price £50) so buy now while it's on sale.

    Darren & Wayne

  • wayneh001wayneh001 Member Posts: 300

    Hi Everyone,

    There's a new update [ Version 1.1 ]. It's available on the Full version and has the following updates:

    DBA Icon Creator Version 1.1

    New: You can now rotate each of the Library images in 90° steps for even more variety:
    - Rotate Background, 90° Steps
    - Rotate Overlays, 90° Steps
    - Rotate Borders, 90° Steps
    - Rotate HD Borders, 90° Steps
    - Rotate Badges, 90° Steps

    Fix: An error when using 3rd Party Library OVERALYS:
    The Preview was not displaying correctly - Now Resolved in 1.1.
    Thanks MarkOnTheIron for your time and working with us to resolve the issue.

    Darren & Wayne
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Hi Everyone,

    Darrens finished up another super cool template: MotoX.


    MotoX Template £20
    MotoX Template. Ever wanted to create a Bike Simulator or a Motor Bike stunts game? Here is a complete project file to get you started. This template features many cool tricks, including multiple animation states depending on the bikers angle, height, position etc. Perform tricks, 360, wheelies, front ends and more. Control the bike as you perform cool tricks and pull off some in-air stunts. The mechanics include crash detection, with animations with fluent in air controls.

    In this template we have built it so the user must simply get to the finish line, but with a few more tweaks you could easily convert this into a Skiing game, Bob Sleigh, Bikes, Boats, Tanks, Buggies, Babies in Prams!, or even a Uni-Cycling Clown. See the vide on our website to see the different types of gameplay built into this amazing template (Standard, Stunts, Different Camera).

    -Multiple animations for the rider.
    -Crash animations
    -Stunts and motion controls
    -Realistic physics
    -Ramps, up, down and long jumps

    To keep everything running tip-top fast on the iOS device, we have not used constrains on the wheels etc, we have controlled the animation states base on angles and position etc. This template includes the art, sound and music.

    Darren & Wayne

    Template available now over at the Deep Blue Apps web site.
    More Templates and Tools available on our website.
  • DhondonDhondon Member Posts: 717
    How much longer will the summer sale last?
    I'm finally getting some money in 1-2 day. Will I make it?:)
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Yes you will make it my friend...it will end really soon though.

  • KhaireddinKhaireddin Member, PRO Posts: 3
    Is the angry birds template available ? can we have it with the other package for a special price ?
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    We sold the original template the the GS team but were currently working on a new one.

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692

    GS Bomber. Build your own game using this template which demonstrates a game technique for destroying the blocks or buildings before the helicopter crashes into them. With this template we have provided you with a simple scene system for creating your own unique and challenging scenes. Simply duplicate it, and change the blocks. Tap on the helicopters as they come into the screen to release a bomb to destroy the buildings below.

    Set multiple hit points on each, any, or all the blocks. Change the blocks for buildings, rocks or anything to make a stunning iOS game in no time at all.


    - Highly optimized code
    - Manage the hit points on the blocks
    - Easy to customize scenes
    - Super slick on iOS devices
    - Instant Resets
    - Multiple targets and characters
    - Supplied with 3 levels
    - Game over and death scenes

    Only £20.

    Darren & Wayne

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Mega Mania
    Tank destruction similar to Cannon Fighter.

    Only 99p from our Website

    Toy Arcade Grabber
    Arcade Grabber Arm Simulator.

    Only 99p from our Website

    Soft Body Physics
    Soft Body Physics Simulator.

    Only 99p from our Website

    Seamless Runner
    Seamless Running Template.

    Only 99p from our Website

    Card Match
    Card Match and Mixing Template.

    Only 99p from our Website

    More Free & Premium Templates available from our WebSite.
    Also, all of our tools to enhance your GameSalad Developments.


  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    This template is only 99p and it will teach you how to reuse a single actor with various effects.

    Try and snatch the gold away from the dragons when they move, if you hit a dragon you will lose a life.

    Darren & Wayne.

  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    Very good game,
    But as a piece of advice the name "Dragons Den"
    Is copyrighted by a TV show which may supply an app
    ( This TV show is made in 'United kingdom,
    Ireland and australia, so i would be guessing your app/template not be able to sell this app with that name in those countries,
    Yours Sincerely,
    Jack Leonard
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    From now until the end of October we have decided to give a massive 30% off EVERYTHING over at DBA as a special thank you for the fantastic support this year!

    With over 10 million hits and growing you have made DBA your #1 choice for tools, templates and software.

    Darren & Wayne.


    View our online newsletter.

    Buy anything (even free stuff) and you will never miss a trick again as you will be automatically signed up to our regular newsletter and be the 1st to know about exciting new tools and templates and DBA offers.
  • wayneh001wayneh001 Member Posts: 300
    Update: New Free tools available:




    Lots more tools and templates available on the Web Site.

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    October 30% off sale ending soon.

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Hi everyone,

    We've been asked quite a few times if we could post or sell other users templates from our website.

    We've looked into it, but in light of the GS Marketplace Forums being closed down, we've decided to setup our own Forum. We'll post information on all our Tools and Templates here and provide updates and notifications there too. We've also setup [3rd Party Marketplace] Forum sections for other users to post your own stuff - including a separate Marketplace. Your all welcome to post your tools, templates, services, jobs, sounds etc etc.

    The DBA Forum is more a 'Resources' related forum, place where users can find 'extras' to help there developments. The GS forums is obviously still the place to post regarding GameSalad help etc.

    Over the coming weeks we'll be adding new sections and implementing changes as the DBA Forum evolves. If you have any suggestions or ideas - let us know.

    Pop over to: http://www.deepblueapps.com/forum
    Create an account. Everyone with stuff for sale in the GS Marketplace, is welcome to post all your items in our new Marketplace section.

    Were also looking for at least 2 Moderators to help us manage the new Forum, so if you're interested - please get in touch.


    Darren & Wayne

  • guillefaceguilleface Member Posts: 1,014
    hi i bought the racing template and i want to know how i use the sound files in another game, of course if sound comes with the template as you said.
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