AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
This is the puzzle game that was supposedly my entry on the TOTB2 contest but because i dont have enough time to work on it i wasnt able to finish the game in time for the submition. The game actually undergoes 3 major changes from graphics up to the actual gameplay itself. This was done on 0.92 but When 0.94 was release i decided to remake it from the scratch to optimized it more and to reduce the number of actors in game.

Here are some screenies.
Main Menu

Area Selection

Level Selection

Pause Scene

Current Progress:
Main Menu ✓
Area Selection ✓
Level Selectrion ✓
Pause Scene ✓
stats Scene ✓
Tutorial Scene ✓
info scene ✓
Area 1 (24 levels) ✓
Area 2 (24 Levels) ✓
Sounds 50% ✓

To DO list:
Area 3 (75% more levels)
MiniGame (already have idea havent implimented though)
Menu BG Sound
Promotional Trailer video
Storyboard Scene

I intend to release it this june on iPhone first then probably a few weeks an iPad version as well. Im still hoping i could finish it this 18th so i could join the TOTB3 but im working on a big project in the office right now so more OT on Day JOB = LESS time on GS ☹ . Anyways i'll post some game play screenshot and probably some video also if i managed to squezzed some time.

Love to hear some comments from you guyz to add some motivation on me so i can finish it in time.



  • creativeappscreativeapps Member Posts: 1,770
    hi great graphics and I love to see that used of snow icon instead of star retings in level screen. I sent you PM message please read.
  • BackUpAndDownBackUpAndDown Member Posts: 685
    Wow, those are some pretty awesome graphics. The only thing I would change is the box in the "Area Selection" screen. The light blue you used on the box seems too light. (thats just my personal opinion though)

    Keep up the good work. I look forward to the release.


    Tadpole Rescue (iPod Touch/iPhone)
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    pm replied.

    Thanks. Actually that image will be change with an ice graphics like what im using on the border of pause scene. That one is what i use the first time i made this game in 0.92 but i completely overhauled the graphics in 0.94.
  • creativeappscreativeapps Member Posts: 1,770
    drahc thanks I replied you also related to icon.
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Looking good, any screenies of 'in-game'?
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    Thanks beefy & Calvin. I'll try to upload some in-game screnies later when i come home.
  • kapserkapser Member Posts: 458
    Yeah I suggest you don't do that for the itune page because we have no idea what's the game with 4 screenshots :)

    Nice menus though.
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    Thanks Kapser but the screenies i post is just to show some of the components ive already finish on my game. No intention of using that one on itunes and besides i usually modified screen shot before i upload it on itunes.
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    Here are some in-game shot.

    This is the Level 1 scene on Area 1. Penguins are actually coming from the bottom of the screen makes them look like they are catching up on the birds using the rocket attached to their back. Theres a little bit of story about this actually on why they want to catch up on those birds and beat them up. Anyways, the penguins are equip with laser sighting (red line) that will aid them to beat the birds (explained later).

    This is the level 2 of area 1. As you can see all the penguins must be strategically place in the scene so all the birds will be in-line with the laser. If all the birds are line up to the laser the shooting button will appear. When the button is pressed the penguins will start to fire snowball along the laser guide starting with the penguin with the "S" mark.

    Eliminating all the birds on the scene while collecting snow flakes will move you to the next round. It may look easy in the first few levels but as you progress birds start to do some tricks and they start to call up some back-up.

    This is the Lvl 1 on Area 2. As you can see birds flew to a small town to call for a back up.

    Hope to hear some C&C from you guyz.

  • MammothMammoth Member Posts: 640
    Wow this looks amazing! What font did you use for the title screen? Great job!

  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    Thanks mammoth. It's snow dream font.
  • mangaroomangaroo Member Posts: 419
    drahc the artwork is top-notch, i think i understand gameplay as well and seems like a good idea for a variety of puzzles. the only thing i think is holding you back ever so slightly at the moment is the laser, i think it could be even better but it seems its made up of small rectangular actors? how about every other piece is invisible or doesnt exist so that it is a dashed line instead? dashed lasers, why not :P

    lasers should have slight fading on the outside with a clear beam in the middle otherwise its just a line right? is there a way to make that invisible and have a graphic stretch out ontop of the laser position?
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    Thanks Mangaroo. Actually the laser is just a 1x1 pixel actor that i stretch using magnitude. I'm actually thought of using a dash line image set it to tile. I appreciate your comment and i'll try to try your suggestion.
  • mangaroomangaroo Member Posts: 419
    no worries drahc, sorry it was a bit of an annoying thing to change id imagine! here is another: static images really kill a game these days i would have an animation for the birds - all it has to be is the wings flapping quite slowly, and possibly eyes blinking every now and then - they only have to move up and down very slightly and their center remains in position. in the animation frames move them up and down 3-7 pixels when flapping so you dont need to move them up and down in game. just an idea if you get bored of your to-do list and want to add more. by the way, any chance the flame trails on the penguins are particles or animations?

    similarly, when you pick up a penguin to position - change image (possibly their arms are extended and their eyes pop/eyebrows raised - eyeballs out of whack :0) + sound effect like a penguin going eugh! then when release possibly a little drop sound effect and a visual cloud effect that quickly fades out (like poof!) from dropping them into their position in the air

    animation breathes life into the bolts and pieces of the game makes the time passing by while solving a puzzle slightly less tedious - just take care not to be too distracting - so the birds flap, penguins stay still - except for the jet animation/particle keeping them in the air - unless they are picked up. think that is a nice balance between animated and static
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    haha no worries mangaroo to be honest i love to here more critiques coz i believe there is still a lot of room for improvement in my game. The birds has a flapping animation actually and each penguins have a random blinking so they wont blink at the same time. The flame trails is actually a particle that i learned from our one and only GS guru here TSB lolz. I actually love how it turns out coz whenever a player drag a penguins it leaves a trail of sparks. On the scene theres a lot of movement as well. The clouds at the front are actually moving separately and the rays is actually rotating. I want to upload a video last night but dont have time probably ill make one this coming weekend.
    mangaroo said:

    similarly, when you pick up a penguin to position - change image (possibly their arms are extended and their eyes pop/eyebrows raised - eyeballs out of whack :0) + sound effect like a penguin going eugh! then when release possibly a little drop sound effect and a visual cloud effect that quickly fades out (like poof!) from dropping them into their position in the air

    Oh i love this idea. Just reading it already gave me an idea how to implement this in my game. I'll definitely include this one. Thanks.
  • mangaroomangaroo Member Posts: 419
    i had a look at all the birds wings in the screenshots but i couldn't tell! but im glad to hear it, and seems like you've got it covered - i'd love to see the video. looking forward to seeing your progress and the best of luck man.
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    Thanks mangaroo.

    Update just finish laying 6 levels last night. 12 levels more and then some more little tweaks and this app is good to go. The bad thing is that 6 levels took me 4 hours to layout coz i want to make sure theres at least 2 possible solution for the puzzle.
  • mangaroomangaroo Member Posts: 419
    an inspiring night of hard work .... one more stargate ep...
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    A sneak Peek of Mad Penguins before i go to bed.

    Night guyz i hope you like it.

  • rlehmrlehm Member Posts: 320
    Looks fun!!
  • TJMNUTTJMNUT Member Posts: 236
    insane graphics man
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    Thanks guyz, i really appreaciate it :)

  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    Just post a upcoming thread on TA heres the link. http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=98653

    If you have time please support and post some comments.

    Thanks guyz.

  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    MAD PENGUINS is being prepared for uploading. Here are some Screenshot thats gonna be use in iTunes.




    Let me know what you think guyz. Thanks.


    edit: hmm i wonder why i cant post the image? i remove the <img src=/> coz it's not working :(
  • hman360hman360 Member Posts: 590
    I love the way your video was done, who did it for you or did you do it yourself?
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    hi hman360

    Its a quick trailer i did using iMovie trailer features. First time i use it actually :)

    note: can a sous chef fix my image please. Thank you.
  • creativeappscreativeapps Member Posts: 1,770
    looks great. good luck
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    Thanks John i appreciate it.
  • Persian_DevPersian_Dev Member Posts: 36
    Wow Very Cool game you made it looks so good polished Five stars! great work!

    --Shahroch (Persian Games)
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